Lighter note and subject (GP32 images needed)


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
1: I need to show my friend that GP32 CAN run SNES emus and such so I need pictures to prove it (GP32 with SNES emu running super mario world, (next to a GBA with super mario advance 2 on the same level would be an even BETTER comparison pic) and a pic of GP32 running gameboy color emu (with pokemon crystal) (compared to GBA or GBC running same game)

2: I just got a TON of sticker paper for my CPU printer and I want to make GP32 stickers.... Can anyone get me a nice image of the GP32 logo? (the round logo with the G in the middle) And some Little wizard/Tomak CHAR images?

Thank you all in advance, I appreciate any help on this matter. :D
I don't have the super mario world rom (I know, I know...what the hell? Someone doesn't have a mario rom?)...will this do? :)


Of course, the game barely ran...
Ah, excellent (now if only I had gameplay screens) Thank you.
Plus I need a nice array of screenshots to show the GP32 doubters on gamefaqs what it can really do (plus, I may get kicked in the arse for this buuuuuut...... you can get a super mario allstars+world rom from a site That has only the highest QUALITY of ROMS (you figure out the URL XP)
Very subtle :)

It might be pointless trying to prove it to gamefaqs readers if the gamefaqs polls are anything to go by. It is statistically rediculous that around 50% of people would never buy an xbox, or that about 45% of people are really looking forward to FFX2, or whatever. It is quite obvious they are fanboys who fear change or just can't afford to buy more than one system (which, when I was a kid, was the general reason why people said "Nintendo is better than Sega" or "Commodore 64 is better than ZX Spectrum" or whatever. Most of us outgrow that, and I like all of my systems :) it's quite a dumb arguement IMO to call an xbox a pc when all games are made on pc's these days, are mostly coded in PC programming languages, you can put the CD's in a PC and they have PC filenames on them, and of course, everyone conveniently forgets the Dreamcast used a build of Windows CE. What's even stupider is when people buy Xboxes to put Linux on them just to prove a point to Microsoft. Great point! You bought their system, you rebel you! :)

Well actually, to be perfectly honest, I found the GBA to be lacking in oriiginal good software, and I'm very dissatisfied with the GBA-SP 'disposable system' plans with headphone sockets costing extra. I'd like the GBA a lot more if they ever actually released Phantasy Star Collection here.

Anyway, end rant, and I'll have pics of smw up soon hopefully...stupid dialup :) I just wanted a cheap laugh at the expense of others, that's all. Hopefully nobody's offended cos' GP32 isn't really a fanboy system...and this is just my opinion. I may be wrong on many counts. :)
Thanks, Appreciate it (my bro's digi-cam batteries just LOVE to die even though it says 10 hours of battery life left (I assume batteries are old and dead) so I can't take pics of my own.
Two pics: One is mario world, the other mario 1 in SMA*. Note the pics show the framerate and they're both in underground bits because SNESemu didn't handle the backgrounds properly and had layering bugs (SNES9XGP would not do this, and the framerate would probably be faster WITH sound, but it's also messier...)



If that doesn't satisfy them, well, what can I say? Maybe instead of dissing a console they've never seen, played, heard of or know anyone who owns one, they should actually try it out instead. Just say it plays Megaman, and Kirby, and so on...they'll come around...

If not, well, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Even if they aren't that old :P