What do you want?
I should think GP2X would be great for games... Should anyone make them. 
Alpha2 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 07:26 PM said:I love mine but with the PSP it's always going to be a battle between sticking with homebrew or playing some new hot game that might need an upgrade and frankly it's annoying.
ssdietsch posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:25 AM said:i can't believe how antiPSP this site has become/always been. personally i play more emus on my PSP than on my gp32, which is now more reserved for homebrew since the PSP homebrew hasn't impressed me much. nesterj is spectactular (as if littlejohn wasn't on the gp32). ou_snes9x runs snes on the PSP better than anything on the gp32 (starfox runs at 14fps - not too playable but quite an accomplishment). the PSP genesis emulator works great (not as compatible as drmd). my personal favorite is the neogeoCD emulator which runs metal slug 1 & 2 with the lowest dip in fps being about 40 (upper 50s most of the time all the way up to full speed depending on sprite count). basically i have an old nlu that i bought when liksang first started selling them, so my fascination with having a lit screen is one reason that i keep coming back to the PSP (that along with a fun library of PSP games that i don't mind being ports of PS2 games since i only use that ugly old machine for gt4). for me gp32 = homebrew and PSP = emu.
bagmouse7 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:12 PM said:I agree with ssdietsch here.
I woud be OK if any of you PSP haters actually owned the thing and then had gripes about it. But you guys are just flaming.
I like both the GP32 and the PSP. The emulation games on the GP32 are great, but you can't play something like Wipeout or the new Burnout game on the PSP and tell me they are not great.
Flame on guys, but you really are missing out if you don't get a PSP just because of what some fanboy says on a forum...
yaustar posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:59 PM said:..., so the point I keep on wondering about is whether I should buy games for my home consoles instead?
yaustar posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:59 PM said:so the point I keep on wondering about is whether I should buy games for my home consoles instead?
Ninjia^ posted on Sep 29 2005 at 10:08 PM said:if I know Sony like I think I do they will do everything in their power to stop emulators and homebrew taking off, you know why? Because without anything else to use on their PSP's people will always have to go out and buy the latest games
Life should be about freedom, people should be able do what they want with a machine once its legally theirs not be tied down by legistlation and Sony's never ending firmware updates!