Operating System


Still Fresh
Dec 24, 2007
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Does anyone know what the default OS is going to be? Will it be like Opie or GPE? Or will it be powerful enough to run a full linux distro?

Any help would be great.

It will be Linux. Opie and GPE are not OSs, they're environments/window managers.

I think that currently the environment is undergoing development. They're plannng on using a custom GUI, and the X-windows status of that is unknown.

And you will be able to install any Debian package, as they've all been ported to the Arm architecture.
While were on the subject, will it come with a "full" X11 interface, or something like the GP2X had?
atomicthumbs said:
I think that currently the environment is undergoing development. They're plannng on using a custom GUI, and the X-windows status of that is unknown.

And you will be able to install any Debian package, as they've all been ported to the Arm architecture.

Debian-arm ARMEL eabi hopefully!

craigix, mweston, puhleez consider armel!

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I am a proponent of debian, but to keep the playing field open...

Familiar is directly aimed at ARM, specifically on PDAs. It uses a debian-like package system, and has support by a medium size linux-on-pdas community. google "ipkg feed" to see what sorts of software is packaged for familiar.
Oh, no no no. Don't even MENTION ipkg in the same sentence as the Pandora.

Ipkg sucks. Period.

Familiar Linux isn't that good, either. I used it on my Jornada 720 before switching to 720degrees (straight Debian). I much prefer apt coupled with aptitude.
But ipkgs are pretty much the same thing as debs if I am remembering correctly :S.
Last time I checked they weren't as seamless as .debs because no one has written a handy packager yet. Or have they?

Linux distributions

* dpkg, used originally by Debian and now by other systems, uses the .deb format and was the first to have a widely known dependency resolution tool (APT).
* ipkg , a dpkg-inspired, very lightweight system targeted at storage-constrained Linux systems such as embedded devices and handheld computers