Windows On Pandora

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ashdjones said:
As much as I'd like it to be, Linux isn't good enough for a lot of people's needs. The same is true of Open Source software in general, even though there are some shining gems.
Actually compared to a few years back it is quite the opposite. Applications like Firefox certainly are not playing catch-up, but everyone else is. And it is pretty easy to see that the Linux kernel is a much more powerful and stable piece of software than the NT kernel. And in the mobile space, Windows Mobile versus a full Linux kernel? Right now reasons not to use Linux it falls into about three categories:

#1: People are using legacy applications that cannot run on Linux
#2: The User Interface is too different (not necessarily harder or easier to use) than what they're used to
#3: The process of changing over scares away people

All of these issues go back to the same source: If Linux shipped on PCs like windows did, it would be just as successful (if not moreso) than windows. All of these issues would be null and void if Linux was packed onto every computer just like windows has been up until now. When you buy a new computer, you almost expect legacy applications not to work with the new OS, the UI is sure as hell different, and there is no install process that people have to go through to get the software.

I use OpenOffice. If I send someone an OpenDocument file and the recipient doesn't have OOo, its too bad. Just like it was too bad that you didn't have Word if you got a .doc file in your inbox. The .odt is 1/5th the size or less and with the mail server attachment limitations imposed it is the only one that is going to make it through in one piece.

Times have changed.
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asking if theirs anyway to run windows on it is missing the point entirely imo.

I'm not moaning, just saying!
I've mainly used Windows and only tried a few Linux distros from time to time....Until a month or so a go when I changed over to Ubuntu. I got terminally tired of paying for badly supported software (registry cleaners etc...etc..) to prop up a flawed system.

I have been impressed by Suse and Knoppix in the past. All these distros including Ubuntu will run live, from a CD without installing to your hard drive. You can try them from the nothing more than the cost of a CD.

Download Knoppix
Burn it to CD
Try it

Bear in mind running from CD will slow it down a little

Tip when Windows crashes and your system won't boot. Dust off your live CD and use it as a rescue disk.

There just isn't a suitable version of Windows and if there was Microsoft would be dictating what you could do with your Pandora
Kloplop321 said:
VRAndy said:
Kloplop321 said:
communist microsoft

Klopop321 is obviously from the Mirror Mirror universe. Say 'hello' to Evil Spock for us!

Microsoft has given me plenty of issues and a mirror against a mirror is the same as the first :P

Yes they are under capitalism, but they are a monopolist, and under communism the government owns just about everything, therefore, if they are on everything they are near to be communistic :P

The US Government does not own Microsoft. They may be monopolist and capitalist, but that is completely unrelated to communism. This is what communists look like.
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Yeah, don't microsoft the communists! It's just too cruel.

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Maybe windows binary compatibility on Pandora can be possible one day.
With thatone:

Still very alpha, but open source and portable to different processor architectures.
afaik communists don't exist.... only socialist wannabes

pandora is shipping with gmenu and they are trying to get an enhanced version just for pandora soon

that is the gmenu interface on the gp2x .... with a cool looking skin also remember the pandora is much higher res so it should look slick

what is the point in running an os that looks like crap and is hard to use on an handheld? which is exactly what windows is
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Babrios said:
Yeah, don't microsoft the communists! It's just too cruel.

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Maybe windows binary compatibility on Pandora can be possible one day.
With thatone:

Still very alpha, but open source and portable to different processor architectures.

As it has been discussed to death, ARM ReactOS would be mostly useless since all windows software is x86.
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Babrios said:
Yeah, don't microsoft the communists! It's just too cruel.

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Maybe windows binary compatibility on Pandora can be possible one day.
With thatone:

Still very alpha, but open source and portable to different processor architectures.


The OS would run, the API would be the same, but programs would still need to be recompiled for ARM since they are still x86 binary code. <_<

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Babrios said:
Yeah, don't microsoft the communists! It's just too cruel.

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Maybe windows binary compatibility on Pandora can be possible one day.
With thatone:

Still very alpha, but open source and portable to different processor architectures.

nob will not work you need emulate a x86 which is too slow to be useful
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sindbad said:
As it has been discussed to death, ARM ReactOS would be mostly useless since all windows software is x86.
Shugar, u're right!! didn't think of that, wasn't aware ReactOS had been discussed before. would be only good for windows apps modified/recompiled for ARM then. damn.
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Babrios said:
would be only good for windows apps modified/recompiled for ARM then.
And if the author is willing to cooperate, winelib is a much better choice.
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i guess one could run win3.1 from within dosbox at an acceptable speed. but this might not really be what you were looking for in the first place.
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