I like the current site's looks a lot. They are unique. Not generic like
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/226...andymangold.jpg (which, if I may say so, has terrible font readability, very weird line spacing, the headlines for the months are not quite useful like that, that blue gradient must be a mistake)
Also it presents all the facts clearly and in a nice overview.
You say the current tabs "allude to an old 2.0 aesthetic", well your design "alludes to whatever looks are trendy now". It lacks any memorability and character.
Those dark looks try (to me) to create an atmosphere of exclusivity and expensive blingbling. That's something Mac customers bait, but not much so the audience of the Pandora I guess?
For myself a site like that would have not "conjured" any interest, instead I would have probably thought something like "some posh college kids want to pretend their product is shiny". Also I doubt I would have felt welcome (being a geek/"hacker"/nerd like I guess many Pandora-fans).
And SEO? Duh... That's hardly something the Pandora site should care about.
Enough ranting.
I appreciate the feedback, and while we all have different opinions on aesthetics surely you can agree that a web presence that is more frequently updated and at least partially in the hands of this community would be more effective.
Also, keep in mind that mockup is made in photoshop which anti-aliases fonts much differently than a web browser. And i don't think ANYONE should ever ignore SEO; its not necessarily a matter of drawing a tremendous amount of traffic from search engines, its just a matter of arranging your content in a way that crawlers can interpret it and present your site in the best and most accurate light possible.