Why doesn't the openpandora team use google apps?


Very Active Member
Oct 18, 2010
I was reading the scam thread and noticed that they were pointing out all the official email accounts of the openpandora team and I couldn't help but think the official email accounts look like one a scammer would use .

I wonder why they haven't taken advantage of google apps yet? For under 10 email accounts it is free so they could easily have sales@openpandora.org, craig@openpandora.org,and RMA@openpandora.org. etc. Same with evil dragon he could have sales@gp2x.de and so on. This can also help them sorting the emails rather than all sales, warranty and questions going to the same account it would be alot easier for them to track.

It is a very simple process www.google.com.au/apps they pretty much run you through the entire process. Only tricky thing is the mx records but I am sure they wouldn't have an issue with that. Since they already use gmail for their current email .I can't really see a downside to this, since they can easily set the old emails to forward to the new addresses until they get phased out. All it means is easier email addresses and more professional looking emails for customers and a way of sorting them.
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I'm sure they're all aware of Google Apps but haven't got the time to even think about it :)

Besides they could already have all those @openpandora.org email addresses but I guess they haven't gotten around to it :)
Eeeerm, we have our own servers, so why would we uses some Google stuff?

We already have @openpandora.org-eMail addresses (or @gp2x.de-eMail addresses.)

Not sure why Craig prefers the gmail ones, but I'm only using @openpandora.org or @gp2x.de-Stuff.
Google app is great. I bet you would have a lot less "caught in spam" moments than you do now.
Google app is great. I bet you would have a lot less "caught in spam" moments than you do now.

Got a pretty good SpamAssassin working. From 100 eMails, I get about 2 - 3 spam mails coming through. It never accidentally sorted a good mail into spam as well.

Sounds okay to me.

Way better than having Google access to all my mails for sure.
Yeah, Just think of having all your financials stored in Google Docs for them to peruse at their leisure... Targeted ads based on how much you earn :P
Eeeerm, we have our own servers, so why would we uses some Google stuff?

We already have @openpandora.org-eMail addresses (or @gp2x.de-eMail addresses.)

Not sure why Craig prefers the gmail ones, but I'm only using @openpandora.org or @gp2x.de-Stuff.

Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

However not to worry I just thought since I saw the craig using the gmail accounts I would put it out there.
Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)
You say "security" and "permissions", but really you've already consented to Google to let them view your documents; and who knows how many other "rogue engineers" they have there (see the wifi-slurp with street view)

I really can't wait until LibreOffice release their web version. Then I won't have to worry about my Nx remote connection being flaky
Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)
You say "security" and "permissions", but really you've already consented to Google to let them view your documents; and who knows how many other "rogue engineers" they have there (see the wifi-slurp with street view)

I really can't wait until LibreOffice release their web version. Then I won't have to worry about my Nx remote connection being flaky

They didn't mention that in their presentation :P

They are currently trying to win over the corporate world and if they didn't have security in place to protect that it would kill those hopes in about 5 seconds flat. However I was never that interested in migrated our business across so I never looked at the fine details.

Libre office is good I use it at home and work but for end users Microsoft Office is leaps and bounds above all the competition at the moment.
They didn't mention that in their presentation :P


When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones

I especially like that last one. If you come up with a really cool idea, and are hosting it on Google Docs, they can take your idea to build it first ;)

Edit: In case you're wondering. Apple did this to an app submitted to the AppStore. They rejected the original, then build their own (and I think tried to patent it too)

They are currently trying to win over the corporate world and if they didn't have security in place to protect that it would kill those hopes in about 5 seconds flat. However I was never that interested in migrated our business across so I never looked at the fine details.
Obviously they'd never publicly admit it... and it never stopped them with the street view slurp though.

Libre office is good I use it at home and work but for end users Microsoft Office is leaps and bounds above all the competition at the moment.
Depends what you need to do. I can type a letter and format a spreadsheet easily on both. If it gets anything more complicated, I'm coding instead.
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Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

Well, we need hardware for our boards, webspace, repo, etc. anyways... unless they offer a full fledged dedicated server with about 5 - 10 TB traffic per month for free as well? :)
Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

Kasp it seems that you consider google apps as a perfect solution. Probably you have never heard of people suddenly being locked out their account for no reason, unable to restore access as all google support is automated and you never get to explain your case to someone.

How about confidentiality? Do you feel safe leaving important data related to your clients in the hand of google ? Same for financial data...

Thats why most companies DO NOT use google services.
Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

Well, we need hardware for our boards, webspace, repo, etc. anyways... unless they offer a full fledged dedicated server with about 5 - 10 TB traffic per month for free as well? :)

The only reason I suggested it is because craig is still using gmail. So I figured its actually not much of a change except for getting better email addresses.

Well the less servers (or less complicated) the better

Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

Kasp it seems that you consider google apps as a perfect solution. Probably you have never heard of people suddenly being locked out their account for no reason, unable to restore access as all google support is automated and you never get to explain your case to someone.

How about confidentiality? Do you feel safe leaving important data related to your clients in the hand of google ? Same for financial data...

Thats why most companies DO NOT use google services.

Never said it was perfect, however I saw Craig was still using gmail accounts. So yes I would consider google apps with proper business email addresses a better solution than giving customers gmail addresses. It just looks more professional.

Not sure if you are in the Sysadmin world but google apps is starting to make a name for itself. There are a few companies out there migrating 1000's of users onto them. Like I said I haven't done the research into it because it just doesn't suit our environment. The places I know that have migrated seem overall happy with it, they have plugins which even allow outlook to think they are connecting to exchange. However I do know if there was a clause allowing google to go through their stuff No business would ever touch it.
Probably you have never heard of people suddenly being locked out their account for no reason, unable to restore access as all google support is automated and you never get to explain your case to someone.
Actually, didn't Craig get locked out of his Google Checkout account for no apparent reason at one point a number of months back?
Not sure if you are in the Sysadmin world but google apps is starting to make a name for itself. There are a few companies out there migrating 1000's of users onto them. Like I said I haven't done the research into it because it just doesn't suit our environment. The places I know that have migrated seem overall happy with it, they have plugins which even allow outlook to think they are connecting to exchange. However I do know if there was a clause allowing google to go through their stuff No business would ever touch it.
I just quoted it. Anyway, some more information. Ok, not technically Google's fault, but everyone knows where Google Docs is...


There's two points about Craig's shop email. Firstly, sure, it'd look better with an OpenPandora one. However, secondly, that might cause more confusion between the two "shops" (Craig's and ED's)
Not sure if you are in the Sysadmin world but google apps is starting to make a name for itself. There are a few companies out there migrating 1000's of users onto them. Like I said I haven't done the research into it because it just doesn't suit our environment. The places I know that have migrated seem overall happy with it, they have plugins which even allow outlook to think they are connecting to exchange. However I do know if there was a clause allowing google to go through their stuff No business would ever touch it.
I just quoted it. Anyway, some more information. Ok, not technically Google's fault, but everyone knows where Google Docs is...


There's two points about Craig's shop email. Firstly, sure, it'd look better with an OpenPandora one. However, secondly, that might cause more confusion between the two "shops" (Craig's and ED's)

I wouldn't think it would be any more confusing than it is now. Evil dragon using openpandora.de isn't he?

Yeah the cloud isn't at the stage where businesses should be storing sensitive internal documents on. One of the major aspects of security is to minimise the surface area and having content where the entire world has access to it kinda flies in the face of that. The places I know that have migrated have just pretty much taken advantage of emails. Since these days people "have to" access there emails from everywhere and anyway it doesn't really introduce that much extra of a security risk. The majority of businesses have an online portal or web access that uses a bare minimum of security besides SSL certs(Thankyou smart phones). Granted secret questions should be outlawed with any companies security policy. The guy didn't need any hacking skills he just guessed what his secret question was.

When you have someone's password it's not really hacking. However to protect against that places use VPN's and smart cards and it's why most places get users to rotate passwords fairly quickly.
Well it is one less thing to worry about really, you don't need any hardware, security, permissions and everything else that goes with it. With the price tag of 0 you can't really go wrong :)

Well, we need hardware for our boards, webspace, repo, etc. anyways... unless they offer a full fledged dedicated server with about 5 - 10 TB traffic per month for free as well? :)

Have you considered (if you've heard of them) asking osuosl.org for support? they would likely be happy to host the webfacing content. As per the business side, I think google apps would still be worth looking into.

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