links to forum from official website a little borked

Jul 30, 2008
Gdansk, Poland
This is a cross-post actually, so that people on this unused forum would know what's going on. If everybody knows, then I'm sorry for the noise.

PS: I see that some people on this forum think that this one is used. Obviously we have some conflict here, I hope that it will be resolved someday, maybe after pandora is released into wild :) Would be nice to have just one forum ;)

Hi, I once tried to browse our forums from other computer, and thought that quickest way to get here is through links in official website. First I looked into official blog, then I clicked on forums, and... I went to those unused ones. Check this out:

Actually it's borked on "blog" only, but a bit inconsistent too.

Telling you, just so that you could fix that. (would an email be better way to inform?)
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Why should there only be one forum? Does it really matter? If people want to post here, they will post here, if they want to post on the other, they will post on the other. So, for any one subject there can be only one forum? :|

So,,, and, should all merge into one forum, because they're all about cooking, right? :P

I just don't understand why people get so upset if anyone posts here, etc, instead of Hando's forum.

The way I see it is that this is the official forum and the other is the community forum. I understand the majority of users are on and there's no reason we can't direct them there for answers too.

Either way, this is the only forum that I can actually browse at work because so far my work's evil filters haven't labeled it as a gaming site yet. ^_^
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Haha! I think the case is more like " is the official forum that had some horrible horrible bugs for months so a temporary bandaid forum was made at openhandhelds. Turns out the healing took longer than expected and the new forum took on a community of its own." So we have two separate communities here. And since the decline if updates, it's been nice to be able to visit another forum to see what people are pondering in the meantime. I think there's no harm in having two forums, but I agree with Cosurgi (as long as he's not talking keyboards) that the main pages should be linking to GP32X
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right links have been changed once again, although theres still two versions of forums

confused which one to use
use them both?
Or the quasi-official ones at gp32x, which is working again now. Don't know if it was an actual problem with the server, or just me.
forum woes, yay!

so i guess my user@gp32x fell victim to the recent forum upgrade - i can login successfully, passing the login procedure, but the forum still considers me a stranger after that - none of the member's functionality is enabled. whom do i contact there for a resolution (no, a quick search did not reveal any admin contact info)?