Okay, here are my ideas for the portal.
Basically, it should not replace the Wiki or the website, it should be an addition and a good starting point for new and potentially new customers.
I'd like to keep the design simple as the old website was but wanted to rearrange the menu, structure and add new information.
This is my current idea:
Main Menu:
The main menu (the tabs at the top) would have the following topics:
General Information
These would have the following subtopics:
General Information:
About the Pandora (this will have a quick overview about what it is)
History of the Pandora (the history, with all the drama and fun as a summary)
What you can do with it (show all different kinds of aspects)
Behind the scenes (information about the production, the team, etc.)
Free Games (I want to list a few great homebrew / OpenSource Titles here, including videos and screenshots)
Classic PC Games (Games that run through engines, i.e. ScummVM, Quake, etc. Original datafiles needed)
Android Games (while Android isn't the native OS, I still want to show a few videos of Android games running here)
The submenus will be different systems, like PSX, PC, SNES, Arcade, SNES, etc. Each system will get a brief description of the current emulation status as well as videos showing some games of the emulator (the videos I already started to post in the video thread).
Submenus split into different categories (Office, Internet, etc.), listing and showing videos of fitting apps. So similar to the Emulators-Section
Submenus will be different coding languages (C++, GLBasic, Python/Pygame, etc.), including links to more information about how to code on the Pandora.
SuperZaxxon (based on Angström): Some informatioon about our own OS, including Videos.
SL4P: Information and links to the SL4P project, incl. Videos.
ArchARM. Same here
Android: And here
That's my current plan. What do you think about that? Good idea?
Anything missing?
Of course, I'd appreciate it to get help with the different articles / topics as well. Whoever would like to help me and write one of these sections, let me know