OpenPandora shirts?


Active Member
Sep 7, 2010
I'm thinking of making OpenPandora shirts, maybe the logo in some form in the front (someone a while back made a cool repeating fading pattern of the logo) and I'm thinking the icons of all the programs that run on the Pandora on the back.

I might know someone that can get this done, If I can't then someone is free to take this idea over and do it in place of me, but for now I'll handle it, of course only if there is significant interest.

So, hands up if you would want one, also post if you have design ideas.
It should not be hard to get t-shirts or even mugs with the pandora logo etc.I checked before and there was a few companies local to me that could do it. I guess it depends what it costs you to get them made etc. As for ideas.I always liked the idea of a t-shirt saying 'My Pandora is an amiga' or my pandora is a snes,My Pandora is an St, etc.
It should be dead simple: there are companies which would print them for you for a reasonable price even if you order one. We have a couple of companies here which would also allow you to upload your design and make a page for you so that you could have a couple of bucks of each t-shirt with your design they sell. I've printed myself a fvwm t-shirt that way. But the quality may vary dramatically. :(
Perhaps a pocket tee shirt with the web site on the pocket and the Pandora design on the back?? Or vice versa?

White or black ?

I will buy a few. XXL please :D
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Great idea.

I'll buy a few too. Though I'd prefer dark blue or red instead of white or black, I think it'd go better with the logo.

I'm up for mug also.

I have the same idea but I never posted it.

My design is simpler though. But hell, If one tee can be made, why not two?
I have a feeling he means the design by boolean (121-d3c2avw.jpg) as its a subtle hued geometric fractal of the Pandora logo and would certainly be my community design of choice for walking advertisement.


from here:


but is looks like its not quite fractal ^_^

But a t-shirt with that on would look great!

How far would we continue the design up/down?

How many other organizations have a (fractaly) tessellating logo?

Could a (semi) symetrical version be done for mugs?
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Well, I can get T-Shirts printed for a pretty good price, as I would buy masses of them.

I love that fractal design as well. Maybe slap some website somewhere on it and it would be perfect.

Who did that design? Would it be possible to get a vectorized version of it? Then I could take care about the shirts.
Well, I can get T-Shirts printed for a pretty good price, as I would buy masses of them.

I love that fractal design as well. Maybe slap some website somewhere on it and it would be perfect.

Who did that design? Would it be possible to get a vectorized version of it? Then I could take care about the shirts.


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I would definitely place an order for a few t-shirt with the "fractal" design. multiple colors please!! blue, orange, black, etc..
Maybe we should get this guy to do a pandora one?

(except that the Pandora logo is hexagonal, not square) <_<
I'd definitely go for a '2 Months' shirt, except white on navy blue.

And that '.. all I got ..' shirt is killer sony :D