Openjazz V0.0.1 Available :)

Have you tried Openjazz's PC version to see if it has the same problem? Maybe it is not a problem of my port but the original code... <_<
Hmm, in the openjazz version I found Jazz can jump skyhigh so that isn't right either ;) The part people complain about should have a platform to walk on but the platform is missing on both the pc and the gp2x.

In the openjazz pc-version when you use one of the 'springs' you can use the jump button when you are at your highest point in the air and that gives you the extra 'push' you need. The jump button doesn't work when you're in the air in the gp2x version just like your gun doesn't work when you jump.

Edit: I realise my description is a little vague, hope you understand what I'm saying.
Also: I forgot to thank you for this brilliant port, it's going to be great :)
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In the openjazz pc-version when you use one of the 'springs' you can use the jump button when you are at your highest point in the air and that gives you the extra 'push' you need. The jump button doesn't work when you're in the air in the gp2x version just like your gun doesn't work when you jump.

Edit: I realise my description is a little vague, hope you understand what I'm saying.
Also: I forgot to thank you for this brilliant port, it's going to be great :)

Uhm, I have just tried PC Linux version and I can't make an extra jump while I am in the air after being impused for a spring :(

In the other hand, I can shoot my gun while I am jumping :unsure:
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Uhm, I have just tried PC Linux version and I can't make an extra jump while I am in the air after being impused for a spring :(

In the other hand, I can shoot my gun while I am jumping :unsure:
In the original version the springs bring you up high enough to make it to the higher platforms, with openjazz I need to make that extra jump. I'm not surprised it works in Windows and doesn't in Linux. Windows is full of extra features ;)

Edit: I have just tried openjazz for the Gp32 and it has the exact same problem even though Jazz can jump a lot higher here. I can also shoot while in the air in the GP32 version.

I can also shoot my gun while in the air on the GP2X, it just doesn't always register so at first it seemed as if this wasn't working.

I have tried the 'airjump' a few more times and it doesn't always work (in fact most of the time it doesn't) it just worked twice in a row the first time I tried so I assumed it just worked that way. Jazz does jump higher in the openjazz pc version (compared to both GP32 and Gp2X) so you can make it up the ledge if you jump close to the edge.

Edit again: I retried and this time I couldn't do the airjump once in that area but a little bit further back (the first time you 'fall') I could jump back up to the higher level which should be impossible too. I jumped against the wall, jumped again and he just sort of flew up against the wall. I guess it's just bugs in openjazz that cause these magic moves.
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I have tried a few more rounds of Jazz jackrabbit using openjazz on the pc.

I can't make the airjump anymore, I have tried a number of times but am getting tired of it (or rather my arms are). I don't think I made this clear though: I couldn't make Jazz jump while in the air in the entire level, only at the part with the springs.

I did manage to get Jazz stuck into the wall at the part with the springs and have been able to jump up the wall at the part I mentioned in my previous post. Obviously collision detection isn't working properly and this could explain the airjump.

I purposely decided to make this a seperate post instead of editing the previous one so no need to remind me of the edit function ;)
Just as a pointer, don't know about OpenJazz, but the original does not include airjumps when not on springs - that was brought in in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (I've just checked using the original dos .exes :) ).

Notable differences between OpenJazz and it, though are as follows in the first level. Note that I'm not saying this is an issue with your port, but with OpenJazz itself being an early version:
- Bees don't move in OpenJazz; the do in Dos
- Jazz moves left/right faster from stationary, although he doesn't jump quite as fast, and I think he builds up more speed in OpenJazz once he's started to run. It's just the starting velocity that's sluggish.
- Springs DO bounce you on collision, as opposed to only when jumped on; this is true to the original
- They also bounce you HIGHER in the dos version, and
- Pressing jump at any point in a spring bounce will increase your final height by about twice Jazz's own height. Those fireball containers are very easy to reach, as opposed to impossible.
- Screen scans slower than Jazz when spring-bouncing; shouldn't affect playability, but the perfectionist might notice that it doesn't in OpenJazz.

As I say, not a complaint about the port, but worth noting about OpenJazz in general, simply to know what the differences are.