

Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
Openjazz Website

Hey guys, there has been a lot of activity lately on the openjazz project as I have just found out. I had given up already because it seemed to be dead, but now they have actually implemented a lot of new features, even multiplayer support for network enabled devices. Sound is now working and apparently a bunch of other fixes have been done. For those who don't know, openjazz is a reimplementation of the Jazz Jack Rabbit game engine. It's a jump and run game by epic (the guys who made Unreal and Gears of War amongst other games) that sports a little green rabbit with a bandana, kicking ass and wielding huge guns. Yes, it is great.

There has already been a port of the 0.0.2 version of OpenJazz by a spanish chap (thanks alot btw). I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look into the newer version and maybe port this. I think the Wiz, Dingoo and possibly Pandora would benefit greatly from a port aswell.

Anyway the good news is that project is moved to sourceforge, i moved my changes for the wiz into the new source layout. I dont see any differences from the last version, but I will probally update the archive so the latest is out.

Update: the latest compilied source:,0,0,0,35,128