Certified Guru
Here you have the first version of my Openjazz port to GP2X
At the moment there is no sound, but I will try to add it in next release.
I copy you here the readme.txt file:
You can download it here.
As always, sorry for my bad English :unsure:
At the moment there is no sound, but I will try to add it in next release.
I copy you here the readme.txt file:
* OpenJazz *
* v0.0.1 *
Port from: http://treacle.hewwo.com/jazz/oj/index.html
By: Israel Lopez Fernandez (Puck2099)
Website: http://www.gp32wip.com
Contact and donations (Paypal): puck2099@gmail.com
Controls managed by Rlyeh's minilib.
What is OpenJazz?
It's an interpreter to play Jazz Jackrabbit game in its various editions (at the moment I have
tested it only using shareware edition).
How must I install it?
Unzip the files in any place of your SD card. Into the folder called openjazz it will create,
you will have to copy the files inclueded in Jazz Jackrabbit original game edition you prefer.
After that, you will be able to launch the game from games menu.
Is the source code available to download?
Yes, as it is said by GPL license, you can download the source code from my own website.
By the way, I warn you that the changes realised to the code are not enough "cleaned" nor
If you want to make any change, please, I would be very grateful if you contact me first
to avoid working two people in fixing the same bug :)
Joystick -> Moves Jazz or navegate into menu items.
A -> Jump.
B -> Shoot/Confirm menu item.
Y -> Change weapon.
START -> Go back in menus.
Changelog OpenJazz:
- First release.
You can download it here.
As always, sorry for my bad English :unsure: