Open Pandora in France (Toulouse)

Probably final:
Beaucoup trop de texte a mon gout. Les gens vont lire tes slides au lieu de t'ecouter. Ne pas confondre presentation et notes :)

Enfin, tu fais ce que tu veux, mais j'aurais fait ca de maniere bcp plus visuelle (et j'ai fait ca quelques mois plus tot d'ailleurs, au Japon). 


in English now : too much text in these slides, people will read your slides more than listening to you. Otherwise contents seems OK. 
The presentation from Linux-SWAT at "Capitol du Libre" was so cool that I bought an openpandora 1GHz right after ;)

He and ptitSeb have a secret talent in marketing !

On a side note, I'm also one of the "unhappy" IControlpad2 kickstarter backer, should have read this forum before :P
The presentation from Linux-SWAT at "Capitol du Libre" was so cool that I bought an openpandora 1GHz right after ;)
Good job ;) .

First step towards happiness :) .

As I've seen the picture of FOSDEM I hope we can have a meeting this year as well.

Already planned to have no University at the 1st and 2nd of February :) .
You won't regret your purchase. the Pandora will soon be part of your life ;-)
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Was a nice event in an engineer school, saw a lot of people especially saturday. We took more time with people sunday, and a guy came back in the cold with his bicycle to buy a 1GHz ^^. As usual, the Pandora interested everyone, if not everybody.

Amongst A LOT of conferences, 3D printing, install parties, we had a strange machine near us, a sandbox with a kinect+projector above, displaying relief on the dunes.

We also touched the firefox phone who looked good.

Thanks to fantomid and his association Toulibre who provided great stuff with a great mood, translated official banners, TV, food, bed, travel...













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And THANKS a lot to you two guys for presenting the Pandora in such an awesome way at the show :D

Wish I would've had the time to come myself as well, but I'm stuffed with work :/
We will be at TGS with ptitSeb too.

I got an exhibitor badge for him. Need to solve hotel accommodation problem now.

ED, could you help us ?
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