Open Pandora in France (Toulouse)

Some photos from the first TGS day.

Got again lot of people.

What are the probabilities that a frenchy buy from your shop ? Close to 0 me think
Probability a french person buys from Link is zero too, yet he's on the card...

At least people would have a reason to buy from me: they want the awesome & unique Japan artwork box :D
... Me for example ! =D

*EDIT* ... ah crap I just replied to a post 2 pages ago -.-
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Sounds like fun there :)

Keep up the good work on presenting thePandora to the people. Looking forward to see some new faces on the boards.
We will probably create a new "report" thread, meanwhile here's a high value picture:

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We will probably create a new "report" thread, meanwhile here's a high value picture:
Why didn't the Pandora run Another World or Flashback? :D

When I was at the Expo in Manchester, I let Team17 play Superfrog :P
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Why didn't the Pandora run Another World or Flashback?
Probably not flashback... Flashback was made without Eric Chahi (by Paul Cuisset and others), by the Delphine Software team who "stole" his technology for Another World. I don't remember if Eric Chahi accepted this well or not, but it certainly wasn't a game where he was involved at all, since he left Delphine at that stage.  
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Eric Chahi ? Whooah :)
It's great but Eric Chahi was very much a one-time wonder. I love what he did on Another world (I remember the shock of playing that on my Amiga in 1991, unforgettable), and highly respect that, but whatever he did after was not very impressive nor fun to play. 

He was also part of "Les Voyageurs du Temps" (not sure of the English name of that game, probably something like " Time Travellers" ?) from Delphine, a very high quality adventure game a couple of years before. I think he did some of the graphics for it. 
Linux-SWAT got contact with GameOne and Eurogamer.

Maybe we could have article and presentation with them. :huh:

We made some test with MVGS 2 (Multi-Video-Games-System) with photo and video.

Have to create another thread about this 2 days event.