On the cromulency of pedancy and other questions of English languacy, a quest for our common joy and enlightenment.

Why do whe speak different languages anyway? I can buy an Gameboy in America, some are buying stuff on "Douple U Ish" in China,
In this Boards, everyone speaks English, and beside some issues you have when you only had english in Work Shool and a few semesters Evening Shool, its works quite well..
The alphabet would end up being:
vee why ex why zed
d'oh, too little coffee. I meant to say wii,: vee wii ex why zet/zee

Why do whe speak different languages anyway?
God. Tower of Babel, Bab-El, gateway to heaven. Angry people because of the flood. Might have been a teleportation device.
There is a quest to discover the "First Tongue"...
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In this Boards, everyone speaks English,
Except in the german boards, where you all talk in double Deutch ;)
If you go back in time long enough you'll find common language only in distinct tribes that rules parts of modern countries. If you only need language to buy supplies and get sex, you don't need a lot. Over time these tribes merged and settled on using just one language, for bartering and sex. In practice if you live close to anyone for a length of time, you need language to settle disputes over how big their hedge is or access to their property, so language expands. They settled on rules written down in said expanded language to settle these disputes more of less for ever. Then, I reckon along came the printing press and the commonality of religion that entailed and you needed a whole set of language to understand those. And finally radio and then tv settled on a language for quite complicated ideas and we learned those too. You still get occasional words that you've only ever read and never spoken, so you don't actually know how they sound until someone uses them on TV or something. There have been attempts to settle on a world language most famously perhaps Esperanto, but this far we've all resisted spending the time to learn those and in practice the internet in the west at least has grown up around an english lingua franca.