Hi everybody!
It still looks like this
VERSION 1.31 (just bugfixes, sorry no time)
* Change the default length with DEFLENGTH=X, where X is time in seconds.
* Finer volume control at lower volumes (through software)
* Pressing VOLUP+VOLDOWN now works as stick-click (for F200)
* Excluded the PSF-plugin (it was to slow to be playable)
* Loading playlists no longer messes up song lengths
* Fixed some debug-stuff that messed up settings in libmodplug
* Added the stereo blending option again
(you need to set the buttons manually in the keyconfig)
* Probably fixed some minor bugs as well
For those of you who haven't kept up with the past few releases (not that they are very frequent)
It plays.. well, most stuff, way to many to list here, see the wiki page (game music, tracked, lossless, lossy)
You can change the song length, create, save, load, append, playlists, even for files within zipped directories.
You can set a default start directory, remap keys however you want, theme it to some extent
(compare with the C64 theme, included, http://www.micket.com/index.php?file=c64screenshot.png )
You can select subtunes individually, seek in alot of the supported formats (and do so really fast in all mp3's and other sampled formats AFAIK).
It extracts and displays information from most formats.
Uhm. Not sure if I forgot something.
EDIT from ED: Yep, you did: The link
You can actually get it from mickets site (www.micket.com) or from the Archive
It still looks like this

VERSION 1.31 (just bugfixes, sorry no time)
* Change the default length with DEFLENGTH=X, where X is time in seconds.
* Finer volume control at lower volumes (through software)
* Pressing VOLUP+VOLDOWN now works as stick-click (for F200)
* Excluded the PSF-plugin (it was to slow to be playable)
* Loading playlists no longer messes up song lengths
* Fixed some debug-stuff that messed up settings in libmodplug
* Added the stereo blending option again
(you need to set the buttons manually in the keyconfig)
* Probably fixed some minor bugs as well
For those of you who haven't kept up with the past few releases (not that they are very frequent)
It plays.. well, most stuff, way to many to list here, see the wiki page (game music, tracked, lossless, lossy)
You can change the song length, create, save, load, append, playlists, even for files within zipped directories.
You can set a default start directory, remap keys however you want, theme it to some extent
(compare with the C64 theme, included, http://www.micket.com/index.php?file=c64screenshot.png )
You can select subtunes individually, seek in alot of the supported formats (and do so really fast in all mp3's and other sampled formats AFAIK).
It extracts and displays information from most formats.
Uhm. Not sure if I forgot something.
EDIT from ED: Yep, you did: The link