Oh No Whate Have We Done, Tweet From Craig

The old design was cramped and had no analogues. It just didn't work well. Gamers would have hated it.

This design clips off, those separate side parts mean it can fit any phone (even future versions), the actual size of the controller is less than the iphone, the controls are large, you have the two analogues and... it has a battery in it which doubles the iPhone battery life.
Na-Noo said:
Well this way it keeps the Pan-Zealots happy
No it doesn't. Now the iPhone is basically a Pandora! They've totally sold us out! Blargleblargleblargle!!1!eleventy-one!2
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The first run is 3000 since we have no idea what the demand will be.

You will need to install jailbreak to use it - iphone developers with access to the serial port will be able to use it - but apple might not approve apps.
So it's more than just games control then, additional battery life........
Does it have tv out and 2 SD slots also, don't be drip feeding the info Craigix :p
There may end being a real person being thrown on the bonfire this weekend. :lol:
So... shouldn't this be moved to another forum? Other consoles perhaps?
craigix said:
The first run is 3000 since we have no idea what the demand will be.

You will need to install jailbreak to use it - iphone developers with access to the serial port will be able to use it - but apple might not approve apps.

with OS 3.0 we can now use Bluetooth devices, maybe you could add a bluetooth HID interface chip and not need the jailbreak.

I'd love to support it in our future games by pivotalblur.com
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using bluetooth would be a much better idea imo. I mean I dunno if it's too late into production to change that, but it would allow it to be used on non-i devices thus expanding your market somewhat as well (what with this latest slew of powerful android devices & all I'd imagine SOMEONE would want a piece of that). IF I end up fixing my iphone instead of getting an i-killer I'd gladly take one. Will you be taking pre-orders, or did you learn your lesson last time? ;]
Consequence9 said:
it would allow it to be used on non-i devices
Dude! We could use that on our Pandoras!
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WizardStan said:
Consequence9 said:
it would allow it to be used on non-i devices
Dude! We could use that on our Pandoras!
What for? Dual YXBA/D-pads and quad analog sticks? :lol:
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Yoyobuae said:
What for? Dual YXBA/D-pads and quad analog sticks? :lol:
Someone has to look out for the quad-thumbed mutant niche.
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Looks like OpenPandora Ltd had sex with Apple inc.... and this is the illegitimate love child

...next time on Jerry Springer
"who's the baby daddy"

:edit.... oh and I'm totally getting me one of them
The legendary Pandora 1.5, faster cpu, gpu, 3g, telephone, gps, compass, apple apps compatible.
Do you have a rough idea on price yet Craig?

And are you planning to stick an order page up on gbax soon?
That's actually kinda cute, it'd be a nice design for something.