Official Best Games For Sega Genesis

I thought I'd mention hellfire, a brilliant space shooter game, vertical scrolling, no idea how it runs.
Thunderforce III (Only because Thunderforce IV doesn`t work atm)
Wiz `n` Liz


I tried these games following your (and other's) recommendation. Thunderforce 3 is lots of fun if a little harsh. Doesn't really compare to the PC Engine's best but a good shooter all the same. Wiz n Liz is a game I knew very little about (which is odd considering that it's a Psygnosis game...was it ever released on the Amiga?) and I was quite pleaseantly surprised. I expected a slow team-based platformer but I couldn't have been more wrong. Not something I could see myself playing for weeks on end but good for a laugh.

Also tried Panorama Cotton which looks enjoyable but doesn't work properly on either DrMD or Fgen.
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Sonic the Hedgehog
Gunstar Heroes
Earthworm Jim
James Pond 2: Robocod
James Pond 3: Operation Starfish
Rainbow Islands
Pirates! Gold (doesn't work on Dr. MD ;_;)
ToeJam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron
can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over
can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over

I used to be able to beat that boss in my sleep...but it's been a looong time. The key to beating him is waiting until he squats down a little bit and hitting him in the chest, his only weak spot. Of course if you collect all the Chaos Emeralds and have more then 50 rings, the fight is a piece of cake.
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Well here are my faves :

Fifa soccer
Streets of rage 1,2,3
Streetfighter 2
Ultimate mortal Kombat 3
Cannon Fodder
The Haunting - A strange but fun game with tidy graphics
And any of the sonics or micro machines :)
Sonic 3 & Knucles
Gunstar Heros
Phantasy Star 4 (I think thats the one I played)
Sonic 3D Blast
Micro Machines
NHL 95
can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over

I used to be able to beat that boss in my sleep...but it's been a looong time. The key to beating him is waiting until he squats down a little bit and hitting him in the chest, his only weak spot. Of course if you collect all the Chaos Emeralds and have more then 50 rings, the fight is a piece of cake.

If I remember correctly wait till he locks on to you then run away. He will land and throw his robot arms at you. Then you come back at him and hit him when he bends/ducks.
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Micro Machines for Megadrive is the single best multiplayer game ever and all naysayers will be banned, or at least they would if I was a mod.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 23 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
what was the point of this bump? Im pretty sure Generalnmx isnt even here anymore ;)

Although in this case It is a link in the pinned topic at the top.
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can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over

I used to be able to beat that boss in my sleep...but it's been a looong time. The key to beating him is waiting until he squats down a little bit and hitting him in the chest, his only weak spot. Of course if you collect all the Chaos Emeralds and have more then 50 rings, the fight is a piece of cake.

Not possible, there are only 3 rings in the death egg zone.
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I just bought a Genesis, and, while I am no expert on the subject (yet)...

Vectorman: Great shooter, difficult if you are used to shooters like Gunstar Heroes... Wherein fights are masses of enemies that one shot can kill all of them, in Vectorman one fight can cripple you. It's pretty too. Reminds me a little bit of Balluz, and I HATE that game, but it actually looks really pretty. I have yet to see Vectorman2, and can't wait.

Rocket Knight Adventures: This game has a lot of different 'modes' I guess you could call it, of gameplay. One minute you're a sidescrolling, shooter-style/platforming 'possum, the next, you're flying through the air in an effective and nifty traditional shooter, the next you're fighting creative bosses that take a few tries to get (the railroad boss... ugh), the next you're swimming around avoiding mines. Very creative level designs, from a level where the water level goes up and down, and you have to swim around spikes... very hard, to a level where the reflection in the hot lava is the only way to know where you're jumping... Great game, and pretty. Better than Megaman....

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3: This game incorporates the fighting style present within MK3, but adds a butt-load of new characters and new moves. This game really kicks ass when using the three-button controller, because you have to know what you're doing to shoot fireballs, or things like that. My favorite fighting game.

Sonics: Of course. All the Sonics are amazing, and Sega even had the brilliant idea to add Knuckles to pre-existing games. I was so angry when I saw in the first level of Sonic 3 three blocks that I couldn't break through. But with Knuckles, it opens up whole new areas of the levels to explore, thus adding so much more to a game you've already played through. Amazing.

That's all I'll list for now, but I can't wait for the brand new Genesis game to be released, Beggar Prince. I don't care if I don't like RPGs, I want to give them support so that they will continue making brand new games for the best console ever!

Here's a revised list with some of my favourites so far (:wub: GP32+DrMD)

Beat'em Ups:

Battle Toads and Double Dragon
Comix Zone
Mortal Kombat II
Streets of Rage 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
WWF Wrestlemania the Arcade Game


Cannon Fodder
Dune: The Battle for Arrakis
Gauntlet IV
Ghosts and Ghouls
Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World
Marble Madness
Psycho Pinball
Sensible Soccer International Edition


Cool Spot
Mega Turrican
Sonic the Hedgehog (the whole series)


Combat Cars
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
Outrun 2019
Power Drive
Rock & Roll Racing
Street Racer
Super Hang-On
Turbo Outrun


Pirates! Gold
Shadow Run
Shining Force 1
Shining Force 2
Shining in the Darkness


The Chaos Engine
Xenon 2: Megablast
Zombies Ate My Neighbours

- Alex
Twimfy posted on Feb 24 2006 at 10:07 PM said:
can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over

I used to be able to beat that boss in my sleep...but it's been a looong time. The key to beating him is waiting until he squats down a little bit and hitting him in the chest, his only weak spot. Of course if you collect all the Chaos Emeralds and have more then 50 rings, the fight is a piece of cake.

Not possible, there are only 3 rings in the death egg zone.

Wrong again, there are no rings whatsoever on the Death Egg zone, plus you have to beat Silver Sonic before facing Robotnik. Other weak spots include his nose and his bum. You can hit him there a few times as he is rising up out of the ground, but once his jet pack is turned on, don't anymore. Also, be careful not to jump at his front too high, as Sonic sometimes goes right through him and gets caught on the jetpack flames. Resulting in death, of course.
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TwoHeadedBoy posted on Mar 10 2006 at 04:18 AM said:
Twimfy posted on Feb 24 2006 at 10:07 PM said:
can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over

I used to be able to beat that boss in my sleep...but it's been a looong time. The key to beating him is waiting until he squats down a little bit and hitting him in the chest, his only weak spot. Of course if you collect all the Chaos Emeralds and have more then 50 rings, the fight is a piece of cake.

Not possible, there are only 3 rings in the death egg zone.

Wrong again, there are no rings whatsoever on the Death Egg zone, plus you have to beat Silver Sonic before facing Robotnik. Other weak spots include his nose and his bum. You can hit him there a few times as he is rising up out of the ground, but once his jet pack is turned on, don't anymore. Also, be careful not to jump at his front too high, as Sonic sometimes goes right through him and gets caught on the jetpack flames. Resulting in death, of course.

My mistake, shame on me.

Also don't get stuck behind him, as he launches homing bombs from the top of his jet pack. Look up a faq its a fairly simple boss with no suprises, it just takes a long time and you have to be patient.
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