Official Best Games For Master System / Game Gear


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Yet another Official Best Games topic for the Sega Master System and Game Gear! Post your favorities along with a short description (aka blurb) or a link to one! The game's compatibility with current GP32 emulators would also be a welcome addition. All "Best Games" topics for Sega Master System and/or Game Gear will be merged into this thread.
Oooh! Looky here...a whole new set of threads for us to post our worthless opionions in :P

Good job generalnmx :)

My SMS top five (in no order):

1. Rescue Mission A fantastic lightgun shooter where you have to protect a medic soldier from enemy fire. Possibly the best lightgun game available until Virtua Cop came around. NOT compatable with emulators due to lightgun support
2. The Ninja Fun shooter in which you play a Ninja (really? you don't say?) with a bag load of throwing stars and an evil empire to crush. Horribly difficult, but still fun (HINT: press both buttons to avoid enemy fire). Runs great
3. Calafornia Games The original and the best. A series of 'rad' mini games based around 'wicked' extreme sports such as skating, surfing and hacky-sack (?). Not tried
4. Golden Axe Some people don't like this version, but I personally adore it. It's aged terribly, though, so don't go expecting great things. Again, not tried
5. The maze game Alright, it was a built-in game on the first version of the SMS, but it was really very addictive. I can't remember the code to play the game, so I've not tested this one either!
wonderboy - the sames as adventure island on nes, i cant remember who ripped off who, a fun side scroller where u get weapons and try to defat enimes and complete the level

Road Rash (GG) 10/10 Much superior to the Genesis version. A fun motorcycle racing game, and takes a long time to finish! A good anger outlet too. :)
Sonic 1 (GG) 8/10 Very simple and very good. It's not terribly difficult once you've beaten it once, but it's very fun while it lasts. ;)
Sonic 2 (SMS) ??? DO NOT try the Gamegear version of this! Because of the smaller screen, you can't tell where you're jumping (a problem that isn't present in Sonic 1) and the smaller screen makes the first boss insanely hard. I haven't learned how to control the gliders on the 2nd stage yet, so I can't really judge the game. ;)
Sonic and Tails 2 (GG) 9/10 Not quite as simple as Sonic 1, still VERY fun. More like the Genesis Sonics in a few ways, although the "loops" don't feel quite right.
Aladdin (GG) 9/10 It's very short, but it's also very fun. At least to me. ;) the level diversity is really great, as are the colourful graphics.

Not reccomended:

Sonic Chaos 6/10 (SMS) It's Sonic, but it doesn't feel right to me. The level design is full of too many cheap shots like spikes poking out of the ground in the worst places, and lots of falls to the death.
Lion King (GG) 5/10 You might as well read my review of it here
Most of my favourates have already been mentioned, but there is also:

R-Type - An excellent conversion of a classic arcade shoot 'em up.
Asterix - This is the best of the Asterix games so don't confuse it with the other 2 Asterix games which have "and the ..." sub-titles. If you are looking for a good platform game on the SMS give this a try.
Marble Madness - Another great arcade conversion for the SMS. This plays very well on the GP32.
Gauntlet - A great multi-player SMS game that isn't so much fun on the GP32 unless you are into single player Gauntlet.

The SMS was great for arcade conversions and I would also recommend Out Run and Space Harrier.

Thanks to fSMS, all these games work perfectly on the GP32.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
This is a platform game, For those who are not of this planet. Sarcasm aside, This is a great game, Where you control Alex through various levels (water, castle, woods etc). Using various vehicles (helicopter, motorbike etc) to achieve your goal. Which i have to say i still don`t know (i only ever got about halfway through), But im sure you have to rescue someone. Without going into too much detail, I must mention
janken (paper, scissors and stone), This is played against bosses at various points in the game, Great.
Plays Great on Sms32.

Golden Axe
This is a Hack and slash type game. You get a choice of three characters to control ( A worrior, A woman and a dwarf) in one or two player mode. Great game, Never completed the one either (without cheating) .
Works great on Sms32.

Krusty`s Fun House
Classic platform antics with krusty the clown, Help krusty rid his house of the vermin that has infested his house, Rats.
Works great on Sms32.

Psycho Fox
Another great classic platform game. Not sure of the plot, But you need to help psycho the fox complete his quest, Using pin-point accurate jumps and leaps of faith. This is a hard game by any standard, Another one i havn`t completed. But it is good fun if difficult.
Work great on Sms32

Wonderboy 3 Dragon`s Trap
This has to be one of the best games available for the master system. It is a combination of platform, Puzzle and Rpg. This is a classic amongst classics, During your quest you get to be a knight, Adragon, A bird and a lizard (i think) with their own special abilities. These abilities are needed to help you complete the quest in hand and allow you to access certain areas of the level that the other characters can not, So creating a puzzle/rpg element. Classic game.
Works good on Sms32, Except that your energy bar is a little funky!.

Ghost n Ghouls
What can i say, Is Ghost n Ghouls for the master system, Needs no introduction really. Not quite as good as the megadrive version, But back then we never had it around to compare. Another great classic.
Works great on Sms32.

EDIT: Stupid spelling.

EDIT2: I need to learn how to spell ;)
Wonderboy 3 Dragon`s Trap
This has to be one of the best games available for the master system. It is a combination of platform, Puzzle and Rpg. This is a classic amongst classics, During your quest you get to be a knight, Adragon, A bird and a lizard (i think) with their own special abilities. These abilities are needed to help you complete the quest in hand and allow you to access certain areas of the level that the other characters can not, So creating a puzzle/rpg element. Classic game.
Works good on Sms32, Except that your energy bar is a little funky!.
Yep definately Wonderboy 3... I just came here to say that and you already have.

It's better than Adventures of link. Yes it is!.. Just get over the fact that it's Zelda and you'll realise that dragon's trap is better.

Ahh.. the memories, I can still here the catchy tunes now. I remember buying it for the SMS thinking it was the lesser arcade version. I was so disapointed at first, but ever since I regarded it as one of the best games ever.

...And this is coming from a big zelda fan.

Oh, and I saw some top 100 emulated games for GP32 list somewhere that someone linked to... sometime!... And this wasn't on it??? Crazy. My favourite game, for one of my most fondly remembered consoles.

If you haven't already, play it NOW!

EDIT: Stupid spelling.

EDIT2: I need to learn how to spell ;)
I know, I share your pain.
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wonderboy - the sames as adventure island on nes, i cant remember who ripped off who, a fun side scroller where u get weapons and try to defat enimes and complete the level
I think they were made by the same people, although don't quote me on that.

Hudson, and I beleive they did make both games (couldnt be a direct port because the character was supposedly supposed to be exclusive to nintendo so they just made a new character and put him in the same game.)

Zillion 2: triformation
Phantasy Star
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Alex in the kidd in Tech world....scared the fuck outta me this game, just don't try the armour on.

Submarine attack ain't half bad although I haven't played it for 15 years. Also give G-LOC a try.
well these are the only games i owned for my beloved SMSII

Sonic chaos, Quartet, Sonic 1

All were the shiz
OMG! i cant believe u said lion king was not a good game for GG. I personally bought the game and i like it. Saying that now as a 16 year old i realise i should have my head examined. 'tis not that bad. I've played wose on GG. Devilish is a great pinball game for GG. Bought that one too i did.
Road Rash (GG) 10/10 Much superior to the Genesis version.  A fun motorcycle racing game, and takes a long time to finish!  A good anger outlet too. :)

Your aving a laugh mate!, The Genesis version is loads better.

EDIT: Wow I just realised how old that post was....oh well he was still wrong and needed to be told ;)
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Bit of a bump here, but there's a few SMS/GG games that deserve a mention here.

Air Rescue is one of them. Fly a helicopter around and save people. Fun.
Another one is Sonic Triple Trouble. And another one is Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

Just saying is all.