Nice list mattmagoo...I'll add my two pence on the system.
1. Waku Waku 7 Only seven combatants (nice if you count the non-playable characters) but stil one of the best fighters on the system. Great anime style graphics, fantastic soundtrack, woderfully inventive characters and a play system that's so over the top it's just plain fun.
2. Blazing Star Some people prefer its younger cousin Pulstar (which is like a hyper R-Type), but I've always preffered the more forgiving, score-based Blazing Star. Lovely presentation, multiple ships to choose from, HUGE bosses and an addictive, well-constructed bonus system that will have you coming back for more.
3. The Last Blade 1/2 Samurai Showdown's smarter, less flashy cousin. Plays at a more relaxed pace with the emphasis on using your noggin rather than your reflexes. Possibly the best weapons-based available on any format.
4. Windjammers One of the first Neo games I ever saw running. Had me stunned back then, and when I finally got my hands on it recently I've discovered that it's really a very nice game to boot. A frisbee game that resembles pong.
5. Metal Slug 1/X These are probably my favourite games in the series, before it got too obsessed with crabs and aliens. MS1 is pure soldier blasting fun with some classic set-pieces, but lacks the variety of MSX. Later games add multiple paths, more vehicles and weapons but also take away some of the beatiful simplicity of these two games. MS3 is well worth checking out, though...the finale is just brilliant.
I'll add another five some other time!