Obama's won

Finally, I can read slashdot without reading what obama or McCain would say about something that is irrelevant to politics. Not living in the US, means that I don't care about this.
I just laughed with sheer glee and happiness when watched it happen.

WarmFluffyUK said:
I bet there are a lot of pissed off Neo Nazis LOL

My family took us to Oakland after Obama won and there was a party with some congresswoman and one guy there was an android or something. He had a shaved head, a weird trenchcoat, and fake-looking skin. :confused:
WarmFluffyUK said:
I bet there are a lot of pissed off Neo Nazis LOL
Hehe yeah. I sing with joy at the pain they must be in.

46% of voters feel your pain. Well, maybe not YOUR pain. I voted for McCain/Palin, but I'm still chipper. I really hope B.O. does good. I don't want to move towards socialism any more than javaJake, but it seems to me that neither party is willing to endorse the massive amount of deregulation that is needed to put capitalism back on the right path. Too bad the Libertarians don't have a stronger presence yet.
Important legislation is passed during times of economic turmoil. I am eager to see where things go. If things get too terrible, you can bet that our state will be one of the first to join the "Revolution" :)
javaJake said:
So, am I the only one who's sad McCain lost, and that our nation is slowly progressing towards socialism? :(
I'am amazed, what you Americans think what socialism is.
It seems that whole Europe is under communist control :wink:
closetwam said:
Because the EU enjoys their form of government so well, the USA should move towards the same systems?
That's not what I said, it's surely no socialism in EU :wink:
Your health care is development country standard. It should be possible to update it without drifting into socialism. Your homicide rate is enormous, it should be possible to reduce it without drifting into socialism.
You have got my honest respect regarding your mentality, that you can reach your goals, if you work hard. This mentality is a real role model for others. I'm sure you will forge ahead.
javaJake said:
So, am I the only one who's sad McCain lost, and that our nation is slowly progressing towards socialism? :(

What's wrong with socialism?

Yes, I am an American, and yes, I know what it is. And schools, emergency units, police departments, firefighters, welfare, and a whole lot of other things are already socialized in the United States.
socialism is something similar to communism, not what we, here in europe have. Our system is basically the american system, except more controlled with much better social care. Like if you're jobless here, you can still afford an apartment, food and hobbies. It's our greatest advantage and disadvantage.
Kyosys said:
socialism is something similar to communism, not what we, here in europe have. Our system is basically the american system, except more controlled with much better social care. Like if you're jobless here, you can still afford an apartment, food and hobbies. It's our greatest advantage and disadvantage.

Obama just announced to extend the unemployment assistance. The US has got around 10% rate of unemployment :(
gerd said:
Obama just announced to extend the unemployment assistance. The US has got around 10% rate of unemployment :(
Good news for me, as I was just laid off. I doubt I'll have any need of the extension (it shouldn't take me long to find a new job), but it's nice to know it's there just in case.