Thats a bit of a kick in the balls to everyone who has just purchased a shield, 1 years shelf life then a new version nvidia need to get their act together
How is this any different from anyone else? Except maybe smaller companies like OpenPandora GmbH
There's a new Windows OS every year or so, there's a new Apple iP* every year or so, there's a new ton of E.A. sports games with the year attached
It's not any different, and this is no surprise.
The first Shield appeared to perform above expectations, so I figured we would see an improvement sooner rather than later(especially considering the surveys). Tech companies like this will always be working on something new, and with the current market of smart phones, tablets, ect, this is the nature of the beast. The sooner you buy in to the newest gadgets, the more life you'll get from them.
I ended up having to wait on getting my Shield due to fund issues, but now I can wait and see what the newer version has to offer(i'm sure we'll see it by CES). I may or may not like the "improvements", so getting the OG at a reduced price would be killer. Or they may offer the newest model at a higher price depending on what it offers, but more than likely they will lower the OG and place the new model at 300. I personally would just like a smaller unit and a way to rotate and position the screen for different kinds of Android games. I'm sure they'll add a bigger screen, more horse power and other bells and whistles, but only time will tell.
Hell, the current model is a killer deal at 300. I can't imagine them offering better tech within 12 months at the same price, but I won't turn my nose at it if they do
. For those of you who already have a Shield, enjoy it, that's why you bought it.
new update to dolphin gamecube emulator with tegra 4/shield support. It looks like it says it has opengl es 3.0 support even if not true to spec, it looks as if enough is supported for dolphin's needs. New video hopefully tonight when I get home from work.
Holy S**T, any feedback from anywhere yet? I'll begin my search ASAP!