NScripter / ONScripter Novels?


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
You might've seen I put two more Visual Novels (that are using ONScripter) on the repo, so together with Narcissu we now got three nice novels there.

I've got a few more to come (mostly all the ones from Insani.org), but maybe you know of some more ressources of free ONScripter novels I could package up?

Would be great, I love these :)

BTW: If anyone has the data files for Kira Snowdrop, it would be great. The original website doesn't exist anymore and I only have the version I once created for the GP2X, but that one has downscaled graphics :/
Yesterday night I almost made "Narcissu Side 2nd" pnd (that contains Narcissu and its prequel), but I found that on one voiced translation it crush, so I'm trying to find the problem, anyway the other voiced translations works well, so if someone is in a rush I can put it up anyway.
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Narcissu already made my eyes leaky. I don't know if I'd want to play a prequel. I didn't even know there was a prequel.
There's even a sequel as well :)

:o never found about it !! I just found only some german reference, but seems commercial for now

(my little/big adventure to make a pnd... it's better than a visual novel !! LOL)

EDIT: found the crashing issue in "Narcissu Side 2nd", if I comment out the next line the game works ok even with "Agilis" voiced translation

lsph 5,":s;#999999^~i =19~... Those dazzling days, those winter days...~i =19~",230,358

Does anyone knows what may be wrong with this command ? This phrase does not even appear in the unvoiced Agilis novel...

EDIT2: ok, found a workaround... not exactly as intended by the original translator, but seems not bad either... now all works but some chars are not right... maybe the Ponscripter I'm using is too old ?! I took the one in the archive... maybe it can be the time to find the source code and try my first compile on the Pandora... :wacko:

EDIT3: found also the special characters problem... I had to rename the included font files... there's always something to learn !!

EDIT4: NOOOOooooo... The script is full of lines that goes to "Segmentation fault" :( I have to find a solution or I have to change them all...
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