Normal Pc Internal Temperatures

16-22 is normal for an excellent external water cooled system with peltier(s)

However, for an air cooled system, I'd expect 30 - 50.

Your system board temperature seems about normal though.
Weird thing is reviews on the ssame rpocessor from other sites also show people boasting of this same temperature zone. Where as others have a major over heating problem generally caused by some mother boards apparently and how the processor is mounted.
A CPU average temp under load under a stock fan is around 45-55 degrees depending on the case's air flow. At idle it be 35-45. The Motherboard should be lower then the CPU.

If your CPU temp is staying at 30 and the reading is correct, I like to see what heatsink combo you have.
I get 27C on my fan cooled system for My 2.8GHz P4. You should invest in Zalman fans. They rock. They are so big, it also cools my ram too.
Dual core Intels generate a LOT of heat, so I'd say the readings you are getting for you CPU are incorrect. Have a look in the bios and see what that is reporting.

AMD's normally run hotter than Intel, but the Dual core versions of AMD processors actually run cooler (and faster) than Intel's equivalents.
Squidge posted on Apr 19 2006 at 09:00 AM said:
Dual core Intels generate a LOT of heat, so I'd say the readings you are getting for you CPU are incorrect. Have a look in the bios and see what that is reporting.

AMD's normally run hotter than Intel, but the Dual core versions of AMD processors actually run cooler (and faster) than Intel's equivalents.
Bios says the same

skysnapper posted on Apr 19 2006 at 09:04 AM said:
My dual core runs something like 33 degrees at load but then i have a heat ink the size iof a small family car on top of it.
I may have too. The vent on the side of the case is huge so I may have a huge fan there. The other possibility is that the sensors have been installed backwards by the company.

On a unrelated note my dads celeron was some how opeating at 96 degrees celcius.
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Squidge posted on Apr 19 2006 at 10:00 AM said:
Dual core Intels generate a LOT of heat, so I'd say the readings you are getting for you CPU are incorrect. Have a look in the bios and see what that is reporting.

AMD's normally run hotter than Intel, but the Dual core versions of AMD processors actually run cooler (and faster) than Intel's equivalents.
well, my amd64 3000+ at 100% load for 12 hours is 38 degrees, thats WAY less then my pentium 4 2.66ghz (singlecore), and my mobo is 30 degrees.
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Do you have any airflow going through the case (intake/exhaust)? I still don't understand how the CPU temp can be lower then the motherboard without water cooling.
My AMD Athlon 64 3200+ sits at 26 Deg when using light apps eg Firefox etc and idels at 24 - 25 deg C... And thats on the Stock AMD Cooling :D

System Temp is 26 - 28 Deg C