Pyra Non-port game idea suggestions.

Quick question, I hear filepaths are different on Windows and Linux. Best way to account for this? I'm currently programming and testing on a Windows laptop, but I wanna make sure my code is Linux compatible for you guys and for when I finally get a Pyra. I noticed SDL2 does have an SDL_GetPlatform function, so at least I know how to detect the platform and call appropriate code accordingly.

Knowing my luck, I bet there's a bunch of other stuff to account for that I'm not even aware of yet.
Use relative path, and use '/' as seprator and you should be good.

Or use physfs or some other lib to abstract file access.
Another question, should I be concerned about this "endianness" thing?
SDL2 handles a lot of other platform stuff, maybe it'll handle that for me?
*holds breath*
Endianess is architecture bound, x86 is little endian only and while ARM also supports big endian the standard is to use little endian as well (armel). It only matters if you either get your data from somewhere else (like a file or a network packet of which you know that it might use a different endianess) or if you want to directly access a certain single byte of a larger variable. Unless you want to support some more exotic systems it's pretty sane to just assume little endian, you only need to be careful about network protocols - the IP protocol is big endian. System or 3rd party libraries for network connections usually already include functions to swap the endianess of a variable, there are even compiler-specific endianess-swapping commands for directly using specialized CPU commands that will do the swapping in a single step. You could simply use a preprocessor macro to do all this yourself, the compiler ought to be smart enough to recognize what you're trying to do. Handling endianess is rather trivial if you only need to care about big and little endian.

Concerning network code: Keep in mind that Windows handles network sockets differently, on unixoid systems there's no big difference between a network socket and a file descriptor, so you can just use standard C functions for file access like read() and write() on network sockets while Windows requires you to use more specialized functions like recv() and send(). Simply using the latter instead makes it more portable, but you still need to take care about closing it correctly - Windows has a Windows-specific closesocket() function while Unix simply uses close() like on a file.
Hey guys, got rendering and random enemy placement nearly done.
As of now though, there's nothing ensuring enemies don't spawn on top of each other. I'll do that next.
Worked on making the player sprites more expressive.

FBnil's probably right though, I should finish the code then ask someone to do graphics for me.
How are you doing sprite to sprite collision? Base block? Pixel-Perfect E.T. like?

I like the new sprites, look more charlie-brown-eske


detailed.png Later on you can retouch it....
I've been looking for a new anime series for a while. Found one of which the description sounded great. Watched the first episode from start to finish. Saw plenty cleavage shots and heard even more verbal references to breasts. Stopped watching that series altogether. Felt better.
Stopped watching that series altogether.
Yeah, I also have that feeling that the plot and slapstick quality is getting lower while fanservices increases and increases. Good ones are rare. Have you seen DBZ Abridged?
Oldies you might like: Scrapped Princess. Steamboy.

I'm a fan of fanfiction. Convert them to audio and listen to them while commuting. Very good unknown writers out there.
FBnil, probably base block. There are going to be lots of sprites on screen.
FWIW, the standard with more common scrolling shooters with only one, two or three fire buttons has evolved to work on a hit box that's significantly smaller than the on-screen sprite. I'm not sure what Robotron 2084 used (and don't have it set up on anything currently to test) but I get the feeling that in the same way sneaking impossibly between two bullets in a scrolling shooter, sneaking between two encroaching robots when there's technically not enough space for your sprite to fit through, yet still making it could be exhilarating.

Either way, try to code it so it can be adjusted and playtested once you've got player and enemy movement in.
what is "base block"?

i have sprite collisions in my game-editor/player, which just consider sprites that are being drawn on the same line. (this is actually convenient, since the bitbox has low ram, so you draw things line by line, so you need to keep track of things well, i.e. sprites sorted by y-position.)
Oh, is that what base block means? >_>

Yeah, I want a smaller than 20 by 20 hitbox. I was planning on slightly smaller than the size of the actual sprite, I guess like 6 by 19? Very small could be good too like you said though. Hmmm...
Sorry that I haven't done anything related to this project in a few days, I've been trying out games from the Humble Freedom Bundle, among other things.

Plus, I like coming up with ideas more than implementing them. Bad habit. Just today I was thinking about PICO-8 and how it's programmed with SDL just like I use, and I was thinking that maybe I could make my own virtual video game console. And then I was thinking I could make it use a custom Z80 style assembly language, but give it a bit width of 10 just for kicks. Yeah, I'm a masochist. >_>
Hey guys, I picked out a 15 color plus transparency palette for a fantasy console I'm designing (not the ten bit ASM one I mentioned), and I might make this game for said fantasy console. PICO-8 seems to really move those PocketCHIPs, so Pyra should have something similar. Lemme know what you think of these colors.

Don't have any playing experience with Robotron, but there are some very thorough descriptions of the game on the web from what I can see. I could try putting my own spin on it.
It mostly depends on how offensive you guys think the second one is. >_>

I don't like that you refer to breasts as a person. I'm my breasts? But breasts are still amazing, so how about...

Breasts And Bots

You know. Like Ghosts & Goblins?