Nokia Emu


Sep 17, 2005
This isn't a request for someone to make me a nokia emulator, I already have a ngage to play the games on and I don't use that..

It isn't even one of those questions about whether anyone is going to make one, the standard response being "Yes if a developer is interested enough"

Or even a debate on whether one should be made for it, the n-gage isn't quite obsolete or dead, just stupid looking.

This just came about as I was searching for a PC emulator for the n-gage, most sites say that there isn't one but it is being worked on, some say that Nokia themselves have released one and an SDK,,034-4,00.html

(if anyone fancies an SDK for the Symbian 60 platform)

And one site was offering one for sale

All it seems to do on the free trial is make funny noises but they included bubblebobble.jar so maybe I am missing something. Maybe it just plays .jar files, is that enough to qualify as an n-gage emulator?

the only specs I could find (after a brief google) for the n-gage was "the N-Gage has a 104mhz CPU" and "The N-Gage and GP32 only has a screenbuffer, and no hardware to support it, that's why you need a 100MHz+ cpu to do anything with it." both from the emuboards.

Most mobile phone games that I have are jar/jad, I checked the wiki and found that Java may be possible using existing JVM with ARM support but as Skeezix said on the emuboards

skeezix Oct 7 2004, 01:21 AM Post #2

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OMG. Java games for cellphones really really suck.


I suppose I should try some non-phone games, but damn :P

but if I could play the nokia version of Tombraider on the GP2X it wouldn't be that bad.

So, anyone know anything about the n-gage? had a look at the specs before? think it is possible? Mostly for the better titles that were released as opposed to the 1000's of jar/jad games that were really quite poor, a list of the commercial games i ripped off of classicb from the retrogaming roundtable

(Update 1.26.06)

As of 1/26/06 there have been 51 N-Gage games released in the US and one crappy Sega Rally in random parts of the world. Here is a list of all the current US games ranked by me for no good reason for people looking to start a N-Gage collection.

1. Glimmerati* (great game a must have for N-Gage owners)
2. Pathway to Glory*
3. Pocket Kingdoms*
4. Colin McRae Rally 2005
5. Ghost Recon Jungle Storm
6. Asphalt Urban GT
7. Fifa 2005
8. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
9. Worms World Party
10. X-Men Legends
11. Roots: Gates of Chaos*
12. Sims Bustin Out
13. Rayman 3
14. Requim of Hell*
15. Tony Hawks Pro Skater
16. King of Fighters
17. Tomb Raider
18. Splinter Cell: Stealth Action
19. Fifa 2004
20. Tiger Woods PGA Tour
21. SSX: Out of Bounds
22. Super Monkey Ball
23. Ashen*
24. Xanadu Next* (I haven't spent much time with this one yet but my initial reaction was ehh)
25. Elder Scrolls: Shadowkey*
26. Marcel Desailly Pro Soccer
27. Pandemonium
28. Sonic N
29. Bomberman
30. NCAA Football 2004
31. Operation Shadow*
32. Crash Nitro Kart
33. Red Faction
34. WWE Aftershock
35. Call of Duty
36. Moto GP
37. MLB Slam
38. Spiderman2
39. Puyo Pop
40. Puzzle Bobble VS
41. Virtua Tennis

-the first online purchase only titles for the U.S. (not ranked yet but all seem to be great so far)-

42. Catan*
43. System Rush*
44. Atari Masterpeice Vol 1
45. One*
46. Heigh Seize*
47. X-Men Legends 2
48. Rifts*
49. Asphalt Urban GT 2*
50. Pathway to Glory: Ikusa Islands*
51. Mile High Pinball*

Non-US release (very crappy)
52. Sega Rally

*= N-Gage Only

So there are a couple of goodish ones and more to come including Civilisation, if you like that sort of thing and are buying it for your n-gage anyway.
im too lazy to read all your post but it does seem like you are asking for some kind of emulator which should be in requests / cool ideas and such
I don't know about N-Gage emulation, but if you want to play standard mobile phone video games, then check out the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit: . It's a tool that builds and emulates J2ME games. (J2ME is the Java Mobile Edition which most phone games are written in).
I want an N-Gage emu just for Rifts. I've wanted to see a Rifts game for so long and I heard this one is actually good. Not good enough to make me buy an N-Gage, though, so I hope we either get an emu (on the PC or otherwise...) or someone ports it to another platform so I can play that damned game!
Paradox posted on Feb 4 2006 at 09:56 AM said:
im too lazy to read all your post but it does seem like you are asking for some kind of emulator which should be in requests / cool ideas and such

I agree that this post is in the wrong section, however I don't agree with the fact that you would respond to a post you didn't even read. You said you were to lazy to read his post which is an insult, and then you proceded to correct it which is also an insult especially if you didn't even take the time to read it. Thank you.
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Wolfspirit posted on Feb 4 2006 at 04:12 PM said:
Paradox posted on Feb 4 2006 at 09:56 AM said:
im too lazy to read all your post but it does seem like you are asking for some kind of emulator which should be in requests / cool ideas and such

I agree that this post is in the wrong section, however I don't agree with the fact that you would respond to a post you didn't even read. You said you were to lazy to read his post which is an insult, and then you proceded to correct it which is also an insult especially if you didn't even take the time to read it. Thank you.

i said i didnt read all of it, because after what i had read, i felt the rest was irrelivant to me, which turns out it was.
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Those Symbian phones have quite a bit of power in them, The Nokia 6600 for example has a 104MHz ARM9 CPU and the latter 6680/N70's have a 220Mhz CPU.

I had a almost full speed Megadrive Emulator on my 6600, Worked great. Theres even a good SNES emulator and godknows whatelse.
I would like to see a j2me emulator for the gp2x. there is a really fun game i have on my phone called alien attack that i would love to have for my gp2x. you try to avoid getting abucted by a ufo and make it home. its more fun than it sounds
I would love to play that ES:ShadowKey

I think that is Betheseda made an ElderScrolls game for the PSP it would so rock, and if we could have the one on the Ngage, that woudle be neat
