GP2X Nintendo Wiimote With Gp2x

DTH posted on Dec 8 2006 at 07:01 PM said:
Maybe he means on BoB

Yes, that's it. Although, hardware hacks would work too. I'm getting one of these BoBs after xmas. Adding two IR-leds to the BoB and putting it on the tv to fake a complete system. Should be fun.

PokeParadox posted on Dec 8 2006 at 07:16 PM said:
maybe, but Wiimote hacking has only recently started and is there even a blootooth driver for GP2X Linux?

The docs said the linux HID driver needed modification to make it usable. I guess when someone gets this working properly, it should not be too hard to move it over to the gp2x. Anyway, that's what I hope.

Vimacs posted on Dec 8 2006 at 07:37 PM said:
getting bluetooth to work with the gp should be easy, I think someone already did it a while ago.

Yes, the modules are available in the archive
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nice idea :)
any progress so far?

Yes, I've written a small library similar to CWiid, and made a few patches for SDL. I have not been able to test it with the gp2x since I don't have a BoB, but I would be really surprised if it doesn't work (it works on my Motorola E680i). Right now I'm working on making the 'driver' work as either a mouse or joystick. It's not going to be pretty :-)

Kinda, WMD is a Linux driver, but its still not 100%, rotation is not tracked, but I guess it would still be usable for some stuff :)

Last time I checked, rotation was tracked. However, the thing about WMD is that it uses the uinput subsystem, which I'm not sure exists on the gp2x and even if it was, I have my doubts about running python drivers on the gp2x. That's why I chose the library + SDL approach.


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Wow. Well, good luck with that. Hope it runs on the GP2x as easily.

I thought the Wiimote on windows was the coolest thing... If only the gp2x feature would be lightweight... I have a feeling that carrying around a BoB isn't pratical... Oh well. best of luck, bja.
It will be realy fun to use wiimote to control pikix. When the offical BoB will be sold :( (if in 3 month it not sorted out i will buy certainly an alternative to try your driver ;))
Does Gmenu2x include support for usb mouse? From what I understand, the driver just emulates the mouse.

I know the nunchuck driver is also available. I'd love to see Quake work this way on TV-out.

Other then that, it'll eb great for ScummVM if you're got an LCD TV.
Wow. Well, good luck with that. Hope it runs on the GP2x as easily.

I thought the Wiimote on windows was the coolest thing... If only the gp2x feature would be lightweight... I have a feeling that carrying around a BoB isn't pratical... Oh well. best of luck, bja.
I don't know how small or lightweight you're thinking of, but people are starting to make their own BoB's. Might be a viable option for you.
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Just to clarify, libwiimote is not an input-driver, it's a library that has to be linked with an application before it can communicate with the wiimote. However, there is an input driver written on top of libwiimote that will hopefully work on gp2x. It unfortunately uses uinput which is not available in the firmware, but should be no problem compiling as a module.