Next Portable Unit

ports are games that are either straight copies or slightly rehashed versions of games brought forward from another format

sony are renowned for having zillions of ports on the ps2 so why should we expect anything particularly original with the psp?

If only sega would reconsider their position in the hardware market and bring us a a handheld system with the 2D power of the saturn with the dreamcasts 3D capabilities and then 'port' as many games as they like! We can dream :P
I should buy a Gizmondo! :D
It's so incredibly powerfull and with upcoming games like (not confirmed :P) Halo and stuff. It's alsoo unique, nobody in your neighbourhood has a Gizmondo. Unfortunately I don't have enough money yet, but I have to choose between 166+ blu or Gizmondo or Zodiac (For the last 2 I don't have money enough :()
I have just watched the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Advent children PSP on the Kikizo site. That should seal it for any adventure game loving gamer. It looks superb, and being able to play it on the loo...... :D

Truely, great times are ahead!!!!

Hope it's as good as Phantasy Star 4, which I am currently loving :P
Final Fantasy Advent Children is a movie not a game.
Based on the aftermath of ff7.
If this movie does not get a DVD release then that would be reason enough for me to get a psp. Even though I plan to get one anyway
Apeiron posted on Mar 26 2005 at 03:34 PM said:
Final Fantasy Advent Children is a movie not a game.
Based on the aftermath of ff7.
If this movie does not get a DVD release then that would be reason enough for me to get a psp. Even though I plan to get one anyway

Oh, you have ruined my day :( .

DS it is then!

( :P )
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Jarska333 posted on Mar 26 2005 at 04:49 PM said:
I do think there will be a FF7 sequel for PSP, starring Vincent Valentine.

Really? :lol:

Happy now! :)
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No, the Vincent one is for PS2, but there will be some FF7 for PSP,
However, DS is getting the original Final Fantasy 3 (not 6) remade for it, which hasn't ever been released (legally) outside of Japan.
There is one Final Fastasy Game project for the PSP, then rumors/plans of FF7 for it as well. But nothing is set in stone yet.
Heres a list

Final Fantasy Advent Children (PSP movie)
FF: Dirge of Cerberus (Vincent shooter, Dirge mean Funeral)
FF: 3 (DS port)
FF: Crisis Core (PSP game, possible to be VII related)
FF: Before Crisis (Mobile phone game)
FF: XII (PS2, non online game)
FF: Crystal Chronicles (DS, not set in stone but highly likely)

Square Enix have a busy time ahead.
Sorry to be off topic but maybe he can use this as a desicion on what to spend his money on.
Moogle posted on Mar 26 2005 at 01:40 AM said:
I'd say that with a DS and a GP32 you are settled. If you got to spend buy a book :)

Yep, exactly my thought... or do a nice holiday trip somewhere (you can even use your handhelds while travelling... that's what a heldheld is really ment for :P )
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