I Wub You Guyz


Lolita Porn Star
Mar 19, 2003
I was just over thinking my decision on getting a gp32 instead of a zodiac (although I think the zodiac was still called a phantom when I bought my gp32), but then I went to zodiacgamer.com. Its just so different, it doesn't have the gp32 community. Instead of hearing about a developer who made a great game, and being able to comment on his work, you get to hear about the big game company who made crapily ported a game over and how much you can buy it for.

I was also looking through the forums when I saw this:

I'm more of a PDA user, not much of a gamer, so I just don't get your whole free, open-source emu rant, alucard. You want the truth? The truth is, you may never see a freeware emu on the Zodiac, at least not a good one. The people developing for the Zodiac are Palm developers, and the Palm software scene just doesn't work like that. There is some good freeware for the Palm Os, but not much, nothing too intensive to program and write. I personally do not expect anyone to spend his or her time writing an emu for all of us, and then not be compensated for their efforts. The Zodiac has been out only 3 months, not 5 (November-December, December-January, January-February), and the strides taken by the Palm developing community in that time has been amazing. I am playing games on my Zodiac that I never thought possible on the Palm OS, or any PDA. Let's face it, Tapwave has mismarketed the Zodiacs, IMHO. It is an awesome PDA with gaming capability, not an awesome gaming platform with PDA capability.

That just makes me sick, right now the zodiac community looks like a car dealer ship to me right now. I just want to thank everyone whos programed for the gp32, and everyone who makes up this great gp32 community.
All of the important GP32 contributors seem to be getting them too... like GuyFawkes and supposedly Rlyeh. Yoyo is getting one too, so I hear
I think the question is why do opensource coders do things? Is it for fun, is it because they enjoy working with the hardware, what is it that makes them do things.

I like to think they do it because they know people will appriciate it, and I for one will say I appriciate all the hard work the coders do for the GP32 and I hope they continue to do so and keep the platform alive, viable and vibrant.

Can they say that at the tapwave site with a straight face?
It's true, here, No matter HOW DUMB a question I ask or how new I sound (I.E my posts on the encoding forums) I always get a nice logical answer, not "OMG YOU DUMB n00b RTFM" from some elitist asshole who thinks the sun shines out his rear if he can code a pixel to move across the screen. (Other dev scenes)

Damn shame if we lose any coders to an inferior handheld base wise.. :( But if that's their decision, let em revel in disappointment as wave after wave of ignorant nay sayers insult and nitpick their every move and doing in a program or app they are making out of their spare time and the good of their hearts.

The GP32 is to the zodiac, as the Dreamcast is to the PS2, Dreamcast was a better system in many respects, SLIGHTLY weaker hardware wise, and it seems to have picked up a nice friendly intelligent following, while the "less enlightened" flood to the thing with the shinier case and higher MHZ count. (PS2) and roll in their own ignorance and arrogance.

The GP32 isn't just the system, it's the fan base, (And it's one of the FEW systems out there worth owning due to the fan base alone.)
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 23 2004 at 10:29 AM said:
so rlyeh has just scrapped all his projects and moved onto the zodiac? i still cant believe it.
Nobody's said that, it will still be dead easy to port from Zodiac to GP, and vice versa- they'll just develop for both platforms, that's all.
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khephren posted on Feb 23 2004 at 10:35 AM said:
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 23 2004 at 10:29 AM said:
so rlyeh has just scrapped all his projects and moved onto the zodiac? i still cant believe it.
Nobody's said that, it will still be dead easy to port from Zodiac to GP, and vice versa- they'll just develop for both platforms, that's all.
yea, thats the good side of the zodiac for us ;)

and yes, rlyeh got a zodiac.
yoyo also (from 15days compo with his os9xgp 0.1) and guyfawkes, of course too.

i heard yoyo finishes os9xgp for gp32 first, then he starts to port this to zodiac and finally only develop for zodiac.

and rlyeh still got work to do for gp32, i speak of fCPC32 of which he already started (and can go into menu screen). i hope he finishes this.

looks like we losing some really great developers for gp32 sooner or later....

>It's true, here, No matter HOW DUMB a question I ask or how new I sound (I.E >my posts on the encoding forums) I always get a nice logical answer, not "OMG >YOU DUMB n00b RTFM" from some elitist asshole who thinks the sun shines out >his rear if he can code a pixel to move across the screen. (Other dev scenes)

yea, thats what i like in this forum ^-^
everyone is very nice here to each other, even if you make doubleposts or offtopic things, no one cares and laughes a bit over that, thats all :)
its really a great community!

try the same thing in forums like emuboards (gp32emu) and you get instantflame <_<
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Everyone talks like the Zodiac is the first palm capable of gaming. It's not. Just have a look at Warfare inc which runs on on any decent spec Palm device. My point is this the platforms can exist side by side. Castaway for example is available for both Palm and GP32.

There will always be people willing to code or learn to code for an underdog platform like the GP32 because they enjoy it. The GP32 is the equivalent of the Amiga and Atari ST during the later part of the 90's. Cult machine with loads of people coding homebrew and emulators etc. The difference is the Amiga and ST were nearing the end of their lifespan (Not that I've sold my 3 Amigas :)) and the GP32 is a newish platform with the GP64 on the horizon.

Let's face it how many of the coders who do move to Zodiac won't be back when the GP64 appears :)
The truth is, you may never see a freeware emu on the Zodiac, at least not a good one. The people developing for the Zodiac are Palm developers, and the Palm software scene just doesn't work like that. There is some good freeware for the Palm Os, but not much, nothing too intensive to program and write. I personally do not expect anyone to spend his or her time writing an emu for all of us, and then not be compensated for their efforts.

The same thing dissapointed me in the N-Gage/series 60 phone scene. There is almost no (good) freeware. You have to pay for everything. The result of this is that because there is no real connection between developers and users there is almost no community. On one side you have the developers trying to make money out of very stupid little program and on the other side you have the user scouring the net in search for the latest crack. This has really put me off the whole phone scene.
Well You know me Iam sure by now. Emuman. I have looked at the zodi but lets face it iam poor HAHA. .. I love my GP32 even though it's broken and i sent it back to GBAX.com to fix it (will take a month :( ) .. I belive that when the other coders find there works being taken for granted (or snubed) by the Zodiac scene they will be back here to have some friendly voices again.
I dont think this will stop them coding for it just might make them code the Zodi after the GP32 hehe .. Still this system has a place in my heart now and i'll never stop my efforts to keep it alive.

Happy game time peeps !

what iw ould ike would be for the gp32 developers to port their emus over to zodiac and then charge money for it (only on the zodiac side) and voila they will be getting money while we're still getting the software free :)
I was looking into the Zodiac and was told by Tapewave that the console was unlikely to get a release outside the USA, thinking i was opting for the second best i went for the GP32. However i have enjoyed playing my GP32 more than any other console since the SNES and now i can even relive that.

I see that a lot of the Zodiac stuff you have to pay for even the emulators which i would always say should be free, since the coder is basicly stealing from Atari or Nintendo or whoever depending on the emu.

When the GP32 gets released in Europe this summer i can see the userbase increasing even more, and even if everybody did decide to stop coding for the GP32 then we still have a lot to play with.
I looked into the zodiac months before I even heard of the GP32, and the price for what it did was rediculous. $100 more than what I paid for a PS2 at launch? No thanks, there werent even any "on board" developers at that point and no games to showcase what it could do not to mention I already have a serviceable PDA.

I'm much happier having spent my money on the GP.
GP32 is not about one or two coders... Sure they all did a great job porting emulators and games to it, but hey... if you want to do that too, "just" grab a book about programming from your next library and start "learning by doing". What I want to say is: some programmers left the platform and some new come to develop for the platform!

Like "The Mole" I am looking forward to the european release of the GP32 since I am already knowing some developers who are interested in the GP32, but fear the import of the device.
As much as I wish it were that easy, my brain melts everytime I try to do something that intensive. If coding were that easy everyone would be doing it. :(
Well Yoyo came out of the blue and released LJ which rocked, and then OpenSnes with others. A lot of good coders just come in and blow everyone else away, it might happen again. For example, GPengine at the time was unparalled in emulation quality.

One thing that irks me about Rlyeh is his collection of canned and in-progress projects that he won't or can't release, like fNES which is complete as far as I know, or the later beta of fSMS. I think he codes for the enjoyment of exploring the hardware, which is probably why he also bought a Wonderswan and a Zodiac. Even though fNES 2 wasn't released Rlyeh is happy because he had the experience of coding it. No coder is under obligation to release his work (although there was a lot of hype, it was probably due to me and other news posters), more power to him for bringing his work to a new community - I hear he will be porting. And fGEN was also close to release, perhaps there's still hope left in that...

On a side note, any news on the GPSpain competition? Quite a bounty has been placed on an m68k core.