So, I downloaded the mame emulator, found some roms, put them in the roms folder.
But mame says it can't find any games.
Any suggestions on getting mame properly installed? Does it have to be in a specific place on the SD card? can the roms be in sub folders in the roms folder? Can I use any mame roms I find out there? or do they need to be converted or something?
the wiz wiki site ( is down, apparently their hosting is suspended for non payment.
Are there any other sites out there with wiki type info?
But mame says it can't find any games.
Any suggestions on getting mame properly installed? Does it have to be in a specific place on the SD card? can the roms be in sub folders in the roms folder? Can I use any mame roms I find out there? or do they need to be converted or something?
the wiz wiki site ( is down, apparently their hosting is suspended for non payment.
Are there any other sites out there with wiki type info?