Help Installing Mame / Games


Still Fresh
Mar 10, 2006
Dear all,

I'm a noob, having taken delivery of my GP2X today. Althought I've browsed through the Help forums, I can find no answer to this:

I've formatted the SD card using a card reader as the USB reported an error in XP. I've copied MAME (unzipped) to the SD and when I boot up the GP and go into the Games menu, MAME is installed.

I've unzipped Bombjack (a game) to create a load of .BIN files within a Bombjack folder and placed that within the ROMs folder in MAME. So, the directory for the Bombjack files is: mamegp2x/roms/bombjack/

When entering MAME on the GP though, it reports an error: NO FILES FOUND. Am I trying to put ROMs in the wrong place? The Readme file advises putting them in the ROMs folder, as I've done.

I'm starting to think that my GP may be at fault as a copy of Quake that I downloaded from this archive didn't work either.

Any help gratefully received.
Belgarath posted on Mar 10 2006 at 10:21 PM said:
Er why did you unzip Bombjack? Keep your mame roms zipped.

I don't know mate: I just thought I had to unzip them.

Sorted now though, thank you so much :rolleyes:
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Nickmon posted on Mar 10 2006 at 11:40 PM said:
Nice ID into the Ska music ?

Oh yes: Selecter am the bestest (:

Whilst on-topic, where can I get a Megadrive emulator and Sonic ROMs?
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skaboy posted on Mar 10 2006 at 09:14 PM said:
I'm starting to think that my GP may be at fault as a copy of Quake that I downloaded from this archive didn't work either.

When you say it didn't work..did you remember to put the data files from your PC quake installation onto your '2x as well? It needs some files from the original game to run, which some people don't realise..
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k3nn posted on Mar 11 2006 at 03:56 PM said:
skaboy posted on Mar 10 2006 at 09:14 PM said:
I'm starting to think that my GP may be at fault as a copy of Quake that I downloaded from this archive didn't work either.

When you say it didn't work..did you remember to put the data files from your PC quake installation onto your '2x as well? It needs some files from the original game to run, which some people don't realise..

I had the same problem with Quake for the GP: which data files from the PC install should I be looking to transfer? Where on the SD card would these live: in the Quake folder?
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