New Zealand Meet


Oct 3, 2004
New Zealand
Hi guys,

We just had the unnofficial New Zealand GP32 meet :). Lizard808uk has been backpacking around the world with his GP32, and we met up during his stint in New Zealand.

Was really good to meet you, mate. Had a great time. Its really cool to meet people that you see around on the forums from time to time, and put a face behind the handle.

Anyone who is in New Zealand at any stage, feel free to contact me and we can do the same :). There are a couple of other kiwis here on the boards too, but from what I can tell, there are perhaps 4 GP32's in New Zealand? (Myself, Robster, catMince, fabreNZ).

Unfortunately lizard didn't have an RF unit so we couldn't geek out and play some multiplayer action, so we had beer instead :).
Unfortunately no photos. Lizard got hold of me when he got to Wellington after doing the South Island, and I told him you were down there! He had always assumed you were English, Rob :) EDIT: I'm sure Lizard can post some of his photos of his travels in NZ though...

SiN - are you from NZ? Where is your location info in your profile :blink: EDIT2 - sorry Sin! You're the guy who sent me a PM (Hamilton) - Lizard will be heading your way soon. Try to PM him (lizard808uk), he checks his email a bit.
Hey Pea, thanks for letting me hang out with you. I hope you got some good stuff going now on your 128 SMC and GP Desktop looked v. impressive ;)

@Robster, I really thought you were from London :P . I'm going to use that map now to get in contact with more GP32 people from now on. Christchurch was ok, but I really liked Sumner the best.

@SiN, Hopefully I will get to Hamilton, I have until 14th Nov in NZ, and will keep you posted. I'm going to Taupo tomorrow, after spending a couple of days in Napier. (and no, the statue of the naked Maori isn't in my backpack :lol: )

A recent photo from Rohan :)


Missed it. My darling Yank wife and my yearly trip home doesn't take place for another month.
And even then it's SI only (I'm a Dunedin/Blenheim/Chch lad) so I'm a long bloody way from Pea.

Grouse photo though, I'm picking Mid Canty high country, somewhere around the Mackenzie, but possibly on the Arthurs road.

Jeez can't get home soon enough. Doing Raro' on the way for a couple of weeks, went there last year and it kicks bottom.

And I've just ordered another 128mb card to help with the lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng flight. Podcats definitely help pass the time.
Ya know I (like most Kiwis) had a bad history with tequila, till I got here anyway.
Good tequila is amazing stuff. No hangover at all.
The best I've seen in NZ is 1800 repasado (repasado is aged in barrels so it's brown). It's worth trying, just to see what real tequila is like. But it's at the absolute bottom end of good tequilas.
I'm gonna have to fill my suitcase with the good stuff when we visit.
Is it me or does Rotarua really smell bad? Taupo is much better (and has free spa park and Craters of the Moon)

Get with the Cabo Wabo - you won't regret it ;)

The photo is from Deer Park up from Queenstown. Theres an airport on the otherside of the ridge. :blink:
Rotorua only smells for 10 minutes believe it or not. The sulphur (from bubbling hot mud springs, rock pools and other thermal activity for those not in the know) will kill the top lining inside your nostrils within 10 minutes or so, and you wwon't be able to smell it as much :)

Dunno if thats good or bad...
bad things about new zealand (from an Englishmans point of view)
>that underwear model
>lord of the rings
>breakers (some attractive young women put something inedible in my cabana burger
>In winter it's the same as England.
>steeming stink hole in the middle of the town.
>you fly over places more different to England to the way there
n.z.idol sucks. I think all NZers older than 7 agree
That underwear model kicks your Rugby teams arse single handedly :)
Lord of the rings. hmm. was ok. Funny how everyone expects New Zealand to look like that all over. Lizard commented that, yes, it was nice, but right behind you is an airport so sort of spoils the fun :) Not quite as isoltaed etc as you think. But yes, its beautful in those areas.
In winter its the same as England = yes :)
Which town were you in with a steeming stinkhole :blink:

Bad things about England (from a NZers point of view)
>Queen (eats money and does what?)
>Johnny wasname (soccer playing rugby boy)
>Pubs close at 11pm!!! (3am here)
>Soggy chips and mushy peas. aaarrgh!
>They are called s.p.i.c.e.s also known as f.l.a.v.o.u.r
>Steeming stink hole all over town

Good things:
>At least you use proper English
>Top gear (BBC)!