Retro Game Play League .. Still Open For New Blood!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Just thought I'd make a quick post --

"ROT" (retro offline tournament) is onto its 3rd 'round' -- this one is playing Super Mario Kart (SNES) and/or New Zealand Story (arcade); every 2 weeks we switch the games and tally the scores (all in fun), so its an excellent way to get yourself to take 5 minutes out of your busy life and just play some games, with friendly competition. We talk strategies and take it easy.

Takes as little as a few minutes every other week .. you don't have to dedicated 30 mins or anything, just give 5 minutes every other week; even those of us with kids, jobs, hacking etc can find a couple minutes to spare somewhere :)

Just drop into the forum on this very board:

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I think you should promote this on the other Pandora forum as well, as I suspect that the majority of us who have our Pandoras frequent those boards more than these. I know the league isn't just for Pandora owners, but we may be able to get some fresh blood from there as well.

Did Pickle tally the scores for the last round?
I think The Mighty Pickle got himself busy, so we'll let him slide a few more days :)

Do a post over to OPBoards; I was going to, then thought about posting to the iCP subsection, then got busy and left it :)

Skeezix: Sounds great.

I'm getting my new Pandora on friday (after my last one got stoled :( )

Then I'm totaly ready for some retro gaming. :)
Too bad I can't use my Pandora; my mom's going a bit loony with the whole You-Have-ADD thing.
Sorry to hear you got robbed mr.miyagi :( Was it on the sly, or a brutal battle with you waxing off on the bastards but helplessly outnumbered? Tip: Pandora is built like brick. Brick and face meet and only one loses any face!
Chaser said:
Sorry to hear you got robbed mr.miyagi :( Was it on the sly, or a brutal battle with you waxing off on the bastards but helplessly outnumbered? Tip: Pandora is built like brick. Brick and face meet and only one loses any face!

I can tell you that it was a hell of a battle between me and 6 other guys.....well it got pretty brutal, killed 2 of them with a baseballbat smacked their faces but couldent handle the rest so I had to run for my life.

Seriously a burglar broke into my house and stole a lot of things including my Pandora, it happend a couple of weeks ago....Shit happens sadly nothiong else to do than getting a new one, luckly ED had some extra premium pandoras laying around in his house that he was about throw out :P so I bought one of them. :)
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How did insurance handle your Pandora claim? Or did you not bother?
It's a curious thing: on the one hand, you purchased it at $330. On the other hand, there's no way to obtain it at that price anymore, so replacement cost would be a minimum $500. Whomever did the claim would be scratching their heads trying to figure out how to get out of the extra $170 :P
I've got my money back from the insurance company thats good. :)
But they only gave me 330$ back for the pandora that I paid back then, so I had to pay the extra 170$ my self.

I was thinking about complain to the company, but they actually gave me more money back, than I have paid through the years for all the stuff that was stolen :D and also I really dont know how to explain how special a pandora is and why the price is 500$ now, so I didnt want to make a big deal out of it
That's why I've set mine up so that it asks for the password to do every little thing - I'm hoping that if someone steals it, they'll find it unusable. (I remember months ago some guy got his Pandora stolen at his workplace, and the thief eventually returned it because he couldn't get past the password)
skeezix said:
Just thought I'd make a quick post --

"ROT" (retro offline tournament) is onto its 3rd 'round' -- this one is playing Super Mario Kart (SNES) and/or New Zealand Story (arcade); every 2 weeks we switch the games and tally the scores (all in fun), so its an excellent way to get yourself to take 5 minutes out of your busy life and just play some games, with friendly competition. We talk strategies and take it easy.

Takes as little as a few minutes every other week .. you don't have to dedicated 30 mins or anything, just give 5 minutes every other week; even those of us with kids, jobs, hacking etc can find a couple minutes to spare somewhere :)

Just drop into the forum on this very board:


As soon as I get my unit I'm jumping in! :)
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^ Jump in anyway! There are several systems covered, including original hardware if you have it.
ESN: I have added password on my new pandora now.....

damn it feels good to have a now one.

I'm total ready to kick some ass in some old games. :)