New Version Of Ttd2x Is Out!


Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
Dec 2, 2005
Hi everyone,

I took some time to update the new PocketPC version of my OpenTTD ports so they will work on the GP2X. The only thing I wasn't able to include from the PocketPC version, was the on-screen keyboard. I can add it with fair amount of ease, but I'd like to know if there's existing code for this that people generally like to use on the GP2X. Let me know. :)

Here's the link to TTD2X Build 061907:,0,0,0,29,1097
Updated file URL!

Here's some info on it, feel free to ask if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.:
New in this build:
- True 320x240 resolution support. No more scrolling, scaling, and viewports.
- Full music and sound effect support.
- Generally a faster and stable release.
- Button mappings for removing non-vital windows, and shift/control keys.
- Updated the codebase to OpenTTD 0.5 RC5.

For other OpenTTD ports for platforms such as the PocketPC, SmartPhone, and Palm, goto my:

Please be sure to read the README.TXT for important information on installation and control layouts.

Remember, this game requires the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe's data files. Preferably the windows version of the data files.

Thanks for playing!
Thanks for the thanks. :)

If you find some fixes that are needed, feel free to post them. Work done on this port gets incorporated into my other TTD ports as well. I'm especially interested in getting a cool on-screen keyboard going. I have one ready to go, but it's pretty "ugly" and was meant for a touchscreen.
Jackd: I am strongly considering dropping Palm support from my various porting jobs. Is there any demand for Palm/Zodiac support?
im not certain... all the zodiac boards seem to be dying so probably not, i just figured it might be a simple port from pocketpc to palm, if it isn't then its probably not worth your time but if it is simple then it would be a great thing to have.
zodttd said:
Thanks for the thanks. :)

If you find some fixes that are needed, feel free to post them. Work done on this port gets incorporated into my other TTD ports as well. I'm especially interested in getting a cool on-screen keyboard going. I have one ready to go, but it's pretty "ugly" and was meant for a touchscreen.
Orkie showed interest in THIS piece of hardware.
Ttd2x would benefit greatly from this (though making it a bit less portable). I just hope its response-time isn´t sucky.

It also would come in very handy for your future and (hopefully) playable release of Dosbox ;) (Anyone said Warcraft? :P )
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I would still be interested in a zodiac port zottd. That would be awesome. But obviously you can't just port it because a single person would appreciate it ;-). Feel free to drop support if you wanna, I have my gp2x aswell...
When I loaded the game it came up with a TTD screen all in funny colours and then it crashed back to gmenu.
sand_man: Most likely the required original TTD data files weren't installed correctly. Did you place the *.GM files in the "gm" directory, the *.GRF and SAMPLE.CAT files in "data"?
thanks for this cool version zodttd, its sooo much better than the last version :)

but i found a small bug, when i trying to buy a train then i cant push the add/buy in the bottom of the window, cause the window is to big
Hello zodTTD,

I found out that this version support multi languages and I'm very pleased about it. However when I select Turkish some of the special characters are not displayed correctly. Is there an option in config files to select proper charset?

Thanks in advance!
zodttd said:
sand_man: Most likely the required original TTD data files weren't installed correctly. Did you place the *.GM files in the "gm" directory, the *.GRF and SAMPLE.CAT files in "data"?
Yeah I did. But maybe I overwrote something by mistake. I'll try a fresh install when I get another chance.
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mr.miyagi: There's an updated version at the original post's download link that fixes this. :)

techFreak: I believe the issue being described with language packs is specific to OpenTTD, and not the port itself. Is the translation not complete or are you actually getting invalid characters? If it's the second/latter, there might be a solution or at least explanation for this OpenTTD "issue" at It seems it's a common thing OpenTTD team gets asked. I cant find the explanation on there right now but it should be there.