Ttd2x Released

When my 2x arrives on wednesday, this this will quite possibly be the first thing i try out :D

EDIT: I've had a thought, how much work would it be to implement a track build mode like the one in Chris Sawyer's Locomotion?? I.e. the analog stick would pick a direction and then a key would place a the tile automatically moving the build cursor on to the next tile? Something like that would suit a mouseless version of the game great!


Good idea, except that 2X doesn't have analogue stick. :)
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ooooOOOOooooo i cant wait to get home and put this on and test it :D I'm just worried about you doing a good job on this port... I wasted a LOT of time when I was younger and first got this on my 486... I can't afford to waste 8hrs a day on it now I'm older lol
Oh and a600, people like you really deserve some slaps, who are YOU to tell people what they can do with their work and what not?
did you EVER do something useful to have the right to criticize anyone else?

Umm, he did ports for Interlogic and Dodgin' Diamond 2, interpreters for Hexen and Heretic and updates to Rick Dangerous and Pituka <_<

"I will use Google before asking dumb questions"
ouch that one did hurt :-/
i am realy sorry.
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Having had my first go on openttd I neally cried, spends another hour reading manual.:(
hey guys, here is a site that gives old abandonware. [No illegal Link Sites]
I think the copyright holders don't care about these anymore. This site has TTD in it.

Note from ED: The copyright holders might not - but we do.
wee.. i cant belive that i missed this.. i played the first version for an hour or so in total.. but the game experience was a bit hard to enyoy...

well up for this i hope that the control improvments will make me happy :P
and as someone said: a screen resulotion that fits the gp2x would be much moore fun if it wont look to bad.. read something about that it didn't would look to good (zodttd said it :( )