Ttd2x (open Transport Tycoon Deluxe) Has Been Updated!

yes, it is possible to buy a bus if you move the window at the very top and click on the very bottom (1-2px wide frame of the purchase button). i wonder however if it is possible to hide all the vital windows after selecting order - go to (station). selecting a wanted station is a bit of a nightmare without it.


I just reloaded the previous version last week after getting my 2x back from having the Dpad mod, now I will get to play on the updated version too! It's been a good week for my 2x.

Will look forward to playing this

Just had a go and it's very nice.

The only problem is the mouse speed between when the simulation in the game is paused and when the sim is running.

The mouse speed is better when paused, but when not paused the mouse speed is too fast.
The volume can be changed within the music options in the game's main toolbar.

I use to have a cursor speed adjust due to the issues with the cursor speed being relative to how fast the simulator is running. I might just have to add it back in. It's only a problem for me when the game is in fast forward mode. Pausing probably does the same.
my 2 cents regarding GUI:

- selecting buttons in the top toolbar could be made step-wise so user does not have to aim for the buttons and will also save the stick
- shortcut (stick button?) for switching between the top toolbar and the main window could be also very nice
- moving windows using a special key + drag&drop anywhere inside the window could be useful (something like alt+mouse in many linux window managers)

some ideas are taken from SimCity 2000 snes version - they seem very comfortable to me, maybe others would appreciate them too.

Makes sense. TTD2X scales the volume up and down from the current setting as if it were a percentage. That can be changed I suppose.
Cool. I`m building my transport empire on-the go :)

Any other windows that are needed to play the game the wrong size for the GP2X?

Configure patches window from options menu is way too big. Is it possible to fix? Thank you.
zodttd said:
Makes sense. TTD2X scales the volume up and down from the current setting as if it were a percentage. That can be changed I suppose.
Yeah, I figured it was something like that. It shouldn't matter as most launchers don't have sound beyond GP2XMB, but it makes for tighter code I suppose.
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Thanks for the great port, I've already lost several hours of sleep because of it.

The game is very playable. The only problem I have had is I can't make or apply changes to the custom difficulty screen. The save changes and toggle value buttons are off the screen, and I can't figure out the trick to move the window. I'd like a way to remove the AIs, the just get in the way and go bankrupt at the difficult level they are at now.
SlackwareLinux: I know it's a poor way of going about things, but you can edit the openttd.cfg file in a text editor. The difficulty settings are marked there.