Which means you shouldn't actually create the directories /mnt/sd on the card (just making that clear). Being un-linuxy I was confused by that at first too.
Which means you shouldn't actually create the directories /mnt/sd on the card (just making that clear). Being un-linuxy I was confused by that at first too.
If you drop it, do not panic. I once dropped mine in a 7/11 parking lot. After threatening to sue the 7/11 man for a faulty parking lot, I took a look at my GP2X. The metal tong sticking out in the battery slot for the - side of the battery was flattened. That was it.
That actually happened to me this weekend. I dropped mine on the street, and I almost had a heart attack when it wouldn't turn on. Luckily, it was just the battery connector. I really need to be more carefull.
Hopefully I won't drop the console other than when it's protected by the carry bag which I also purchased ^_^ Thinking about adding a wrist-strap to it as well, I've got plenty of them lying around.
My unit has finally arrived! And it's so much smaller than I expected it to be, though somewhat thick.
Anyhow, I just wanted ya'll to know. I'm too excited to write anything more at this point of time - I just wanna give it a go and call in sick at work tomorrow ^_^