New pricing and bundles!?

Suggestion: show the old price as well, like this: old price new price. And for the combo packs, you could also show the extra saving like this: old total price new total price new combo deal price!

It's a nice discount, so put some emphasis on it, don't just silently modify the prices!

Yup, totally agree. It makes sense to do that, and put "you save xxx E" or something like that as well. Look at what Amazon does.

All I will say on this is that if the UK had the same wonderful system as the US, my father would most likely be dead by now. Not every endeavor in the world needs to be about profit. Okay, enough. Sorry to fan the flames.

Will these sales help Craig shift his queue? I was thinking I might need to replace the board in my 1GHz unit as the WiFi and bluetooth have failed, and the warranty has been thoroughly invalidated, but I might consider grabbing another 1GHz unit at this price, if it will help.
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Very tempting all around.. I sense my Tax Return in January may go to something in the Ghz range.
My price includes shipping UPS Ground within the US. Canada is looking at $40 additional for USPS.
An additional price that is absolutely worth it. I've gotten blasted by UPS "helping" with the import on more than one occasion. I keep saying "never again" but then I order something and forget to pay attention to how it's shipped and next thing I know my $20 gadget has a $50 import and service fee.
Aww, how cruel. So shortly after I ordered and recieved mine. :(

Ohwell I dont mind, it was money well spent. It have allready replaced my mp3 player and my asus transformer.

Only thing I did mind was the import fee. They really hurt in Norway as they charge 25% of whatever you paid.
ED includes 19% VAT in listed prices if you're surfing from a country he needs to include it for (Europe). If you use ED's shop from the US (I used an open web proxy to test this and just read the prices) and it is 452EUR/~596 USD without tax - plus shipping. IIRC ITHIC included shipping in the US for the 609$ so I think it is still a good deal/matches ED's.
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Great to see more sensible prices for the 1Ghz Pandora. Time for a big marketing push to get them selling.

@ ED : how do you & Craig plan to stop a large number of those who have preordered 1Ghz units from Craig requesting a refund and then saving themselves $100+ by reordering at the New price?
Why should he (they)? The major problem now is cash flow. Let's say that you got Pandora from ED in 2 weeks, and refund from Craig in 4 weeks. It is 50% of time, or: you'll get double money - to pay debt and deliver new order (reorder)... beside, new prices will bring new customers, and profit at least equal to "loss" of 100$.

The risk is here (like always), but benefits are obvious: zeroing Craig's list of 1GHz preorders (about 70 of them), which produced the biggest mess in 4 years, and consequently regaining of trust & good will of whole community.

I hope I don't have to explain more, you don't have to agree with me, just respect the facts.

Congrats to Craig & ED for that move!
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Aww, how cruel. So shortly after I ordered and recieved mine. :( Ohwell I dont mind, it was money well spent. It have allready replaced my mp3 player and my asus transformer.

Only thing I did mind was the import fee. They really hurt in Norway as they charge 25% of whatever you paid.
Just curious - how did the Pandora replace your asus transformer? 
Because in Europe, you get stuff for your healthcare and social security that is never threatened to be cut or taken away, free college education...
Mouahahaha - health care and social security in Europe is a disaster - they are constantly in the red and kept alive by infusion of public loans (=debts) from the governments everywhere. And social service is not even good. In the US, true, it's expensive, but you can actually pay to get good services and to see experts with proper equipment. The truth is that Healthcare IS expensive, no matter how much bullshit you hear about how "priceless" it is.

By the way, if you think these public services will never be taken away, you are in for a big surprise on the day where your country cannot pay back for its debt interests (and that will happen sooner or later since they keep digging deeper into debts every year).
This is an off-topic branch of this thread and it should be split away to the off-topic section. Just wanted to say that at least in Belgium, social security has had surpluses for a very long period (too bad our politicians used these to implement tax cuts for the rich), and only recently it is starting to be "in the red". I wouldn't say that our healthcare system is a disaster, but it's true that too much of our tax money is going straight to profits for the pharmaceutical industry (typically American multinationals), so I think it could be improved by making the pharmaceutical industry publicly owned so its investments can be democratically decided (less marketing and diet pill research, more research to cure real diseases) and so they don't necessarily have to make huge profits. But alas my socialist ideas are not very popular amongst our current politicians.

Well they are popular with ME!!!
If believeing everyone ought to have BASIC healthcare available, so that little illnesses do not become large and kill...or worse, spread to infect a larger population...makes me a Socialist...

If believeing every person who works a forty hour week should be able to afford all of life's basic necessities and a few luxury items...makes me a Socialist...

Then you know what? I am PROUD to be a Socialist!

The American system is BROKEN.
Sorry but I don't work hard to provide for others. I work with the idea of keeping the fruits of my labor and I don't care if you made bad choices or had bad luck and can't provide for your self. There's too many dead beats living of the creativity and labor of others and I've had it. I see these people every day. The lazy who get everything on a silver patter and don't have to work for it. Free heath care, free food, free housing. It has a detrimental impact of the human spirit and their anger and sense of entitlement is sickening. Socialism is a disease on the west and pretty soon the whole thing is going to go tits up when the money printing shell game comes to an end. Then we'll see how many rights to free this and free that you have
will these decrease in prices be permanent ? If not, when will this promotion end (ill get my bonus payment (for 2012) not before end of January 2013)
Buying a new 1GHz Pandora would be cheaper than upgrading my 2008 pre-order. Tempting. But I doubt craig will give back any refunds before this 'deal' ends.
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Now I feel A bit scammed.

The classic pandora that I ordered from Craig God know how many years ago has never been cheaper than the price I paid. I didn't want to cancel because It's not guarantee for instant money but now I don't know what to do.

Is there some way that I can receive my pandora sooner without paying more money?

"Is there some way that I can receive my pandora sooner without paying more money?"

"Is there some way that I can receive my pandora sooner without paying more money?"

/end of quote

yes, there's a way, make lots of publicity for the pandora... that's the only way... but if you recomand it to friends, be sure to recommend buying through ED's shop. reserve craig's shop for people you don't like...
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Now I feel A bit scammed.

The classic pandora that I ordered from Craig God know how many years ago has never been cheaper than the price I paid. I didn't want to cancel because It's not guarantee for instant money but now I don't know what to do.

Is there some way that I can receive my pandora sooner without paying more money?

ME: No. You can cross-upgrade or cancel and order a new one with instant shipping.
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