The Real Deadline


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Jun 25, 2003
There are a bunch of people who have contacted us saying they wanted to reorder but still haven't paid. We're basically cutting them off on April 1 (they've had a couple months) and opening up those units for pre-order.

If you've pre-ordered a Pandora but haven't paid yet, now is the time to do it.

If you want to get in on the first batch but thought you were too late, there will be somewhere between 100-300 units available for pre-order in about a week.

There will be an announcement made here once we're ready to accept pre-orders for those units. We may send out emails to the next batch of people on the mailing list as well. It depends on how fast the pre-orders go.
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Is this deadline for when OP purchases the MK4 boards? What happens if you are waiting a month for the remaining 100-300 new pre-order people?

Is the "Real" deadline April 1st?
'gibberish' said:
they just want them all sold, the real deadline will end when the last pandora is sold i reckon.
Correct, although if there are still a significant number of units unsold by the time we start making boards, we may just not make those extra units. We'll keep the extra parts for the second batch.

So if you're thinking of waiting until the Pandoras have been manufactured and buying one of the extras then, it probably won't work out that way. You can order now or you'll have to wait until the 2nd batch.
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I have a friend that I convinced to buy another. He wants to know if he has to wait until next week to find out or if he can send the money now.
if you guys would make an estimation, will the 100-300 units be sold out after 1 day...? or 1 week? i dont think a month :P

and will the announcement have a payment page? or something else?
i would like to know this, so i can order as fast as possible.
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'borgqueenx' said:
if you guys would make an estimation, will the 100-300 units be sold out after 1 day...? or 1 week? i dont think a month :P

and will the announcement have a payment page? or something else?
i would like to know this, so i can order as fast as possible.
Strange, I only just sent a mail to and got a reply in 12 minutes, with how to pay and if I want to be on the first batch or wait until 2nd batch.

This is definitely the correct email address I was meant to use and not some '3rd party' hoax or something I just used :\ ?

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That's the right address Mike, and most people are getting pretty quick replies. :) Others are having more trouble, perhaps getting caught in spam filters or something. They've had a massive volume of mail going through their Gmail accounts in the last few months.
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Thanks mate :)

omg excited )#(*$&)#($*& were so close.
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Chip said:
If you want to get in on the first batch but thought you were too late, there will be somewhere between 100-300 units available for pre-order in about a week.

True or false: if my logic is correct, that implies that of the original 3800, about 3500 have already been paid for via bank transfer. In a way, that is both satisfying and scary at the same time. It's a lot of money, and not just credit-card-like "fake" money that carries no real risk, but real, honest, 100% risk taking money.
On the other hand, that's only 3500 people: small potatoes in the grand scheme of the internets, but it's a wonderful start.
Also, I'm pretty sure that those hoping to buy after manufacture won't have any problems: I'm sure ebay will have many up at a 300% markup ;)
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Sounds so nice...
Shame my current employment situation won't allow me to get one, oh well... I was hoping for the second batch already, so no worries. But just to be sure, will there be a third batch? You know, just in case :P
Cheers to all first batchers! :)
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'WizardStan' said:
True or false: if my logic is correct, that implies that of the original 3800, about 3500 have already been paid for via bank transfer.
True-ish. I don't know the exact numbers, but some where in the neighborhood of 3500 preorders have been paid for in one way or another. Don't forget that the German and Turkish Pandora shops were able to accept credit cards, and many people ended up paying with checks or money orders, so they were not all bank transfers.
'BackAssward' said:
Chip: Do you ever think it might be a conflict of interest to be the OP PR Guy (officially a marketing position, and the above statement even comes close to sales), and having moderator privileges (with the ability to summarily comment and close any thread you like) on a forum not actually run by the OP team?
Not at all. Who better to keep the forum on track than someone with a vested interest? I was shutting down pointless, duplicate and off-topic threads before I was helping Openpandora in any official capacity, so why would I do anything different now?
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'Chip' said:
BackAssward said:
Chip: Do you ever think it might be a conflict of interest to be the OP PR Guy (officially a marketing position, and the above statement even comes close to sales), and having moderator privileges (with the ability to summarily comment and close any thread you like) on a forum not actually run by the OP team?
Not at all. Who better to keep the forum on track than someone with a vested interest? I was shutting down pointless, duplicate and off-topic threads before I was helping Openpandora in any official capacity, so why would I do anything different now?
Fair enough. It just happens to be a sensitive combination with the potential for conflict. I did see one the other day closed that I didn`t really see any reasons for it to be (when compared to the ones not being closed), of course I could not comment in it to ask the question (this seemed like the best thread or such a question). I don`t remember which it was and it is pointless at this time to go drag up old news. As for the others on the OP team (one commenter mentions) they generally don`t close threads that much. Also: being on the team and being PR are two very different things.

That aside, at least we can have an adult conversation on the matter, without people inferring things into my post that weren`t there. I try not to flame/troll, I am glad at the level headed responses I received from what I consider to be a fair question.



/End off topic
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I'm quite new to all this ordering stuff, so I have two questions. I searched the forum, but I'm still not 100% sure if I'm right, so I would be thankful if someone could answer me.

1. Is it known if the second batch will be different from the first one? Only hardware bug fixes or nothing at all?

2. To order I have to sign to the mailing list and keep an eye on the forum and wait, am I right? And this way I could also possibly be able to order one of the remaining 100-300 of the firs batch (if I'm quick enough)?

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'Vega' said:
1. Is it known if the second batch will be different from the first one? Only hardware bug fixes or nothing at all?

2. To order I have to sign to the mailing list and keep an eye on the forum and wait, am I right? And this way I could also possibly be able to order one of the remaining 100-300 of the firs batch (if I'm quick enough?)
There will not be any significant changes to the 2nd batch. If there are no problems found with the design between now and then (we certainly don't expect there to be) then there won't be any changes at all.

Just keep an eye out here. If the remaining units go fast enough, we won't even bother sending out any more mailing list emails.
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Just to clarify, if I initially ordered my Pandora in March and still haven't paid, I don't get cut off at April 1, right? As in, this is not a re-pre-order, just a pre-order.
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