New Noob Here

relliker said:
Will01 said:
I really have high hopes for this thing and hopes it becomes successful enough to warrent a cheap, less capable, chinese knockoff. :P

First of all Hi Will and welcome. If you judge by my no. of posts I'm still a relative noob here too BUT......much as I do hope that it becomes successful like you say, I sure do not want a cheap less capable chinese knockoff of it. There are already enough cheap Chinese gadgets for that. A cheap knockoff could kill this project and the hopes of the OP team to make a buck or two off it. The buzz being built around the Pandora is exactly because it was built after consultation with the community and a wishlist built by a lot of people on these forums. I don't see the Chinese as being able to create such a community buzz as the people who have designed and are developing for the Pandora can. For the Chinese, the knockoff would be just a way to make easy money from cheap labour and gadget-hungry Westerners. They would give a shit if a community is built around it or not as long as it sells AND most important, the Chinese make cheap knockoffs mostly because they just reverse engineer anything that falls into their grubby hands without any regards for the Intellectual Property of others (with no offence intended for any well-meaning Chinese here, I'm sure they will know to whom I'm really referring).

Will01 said:
I really have high hopes for this thing and hopes it becomes successful enough to warrent a cheap, less capable, chinese knockoff. :P
By "cheap chinese copy" im refering to the plethora of fake PSPs, DSs, Ipods, etc. which exist on the Chinese market. Said devices do little if nothing of what copied media is capable of achieving. I am not endorsing any persons or organizations of copying the hardware, software, or concept of the pandora device in any shape or form. The statement of the offended poster that the people of the republic of china have "grubby hands" is in no way affiliated with the thoughts or opinions of this poster.

Now that my sarcasm is outta the way.:P I would like to help with this product as much as i can.

The exact shipping date matters little to me, the email that my order was negotiated on said feb/march delivery. Im really expecting more of a may shipping date here, just as a buffer for some unforeseen issues that may crop up. I dabbled in PSP homebrew for a while but it didn't really seam to have what i was looking for, emulation was greatly exaggerated from all the places that i had read about. Im hoping with time the pandora will alow full speed PS1 emulation, along with all of its other multimedia capabilities. Regardless i know ill have fun with this wicked device and even though im in no rush i still cant wait to hold my own. :)
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That doesn't sound like the PSP brigade at all! :P "Whats the use of Pandara, I've got a hacked PSP!"

Regarding fullspeed PS1, you won't be waiting long for that. :)

(Don't worry about the double post, IPB has PMS right now).
I heard reports that they would be doing 100 the first day, 150 the second and would keep on increasing by 50% everyday. These are just my made up figures following Gruso's made up figures.
Phawx said:
I heard reports that they would be doing 100 the first day, 150 the second and would keep on increasing by 50% everyday. These are just my made up figures following Gruso's made up figures.
That's like the penny millionaire thing
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The origin of the "150" is ED's assembly video ;) So _1_ rather unskilled(sorry ED :P ) could do 150 in an 8h day(unrealistic, cause many factors weren't taken into account when speculating). Missing in that vid is soldering speaker cables(and maybe other stuff I forgot), though. My personal guess is 300 a day _maximum_ with 4 workers.
Gruso said:
That doesn't sound like the PSP brigade at all! :P "Whats the use of Pandara, I've got a hacked PSP!"

Regarding fullspeed PS1, you won't be waiting long for that. :)

(Don't worry about the double post, IPB has PMS right now).

Yeah ive heard that mindset far too many times. lol

The only thing im really curious about now is the SD card situtation. I really havent used them in anything but im aware of the different classes, distinctions, grades , and capacities of the different models. I know certain systems have problems reading x or y generation of sd cars so is there a ideal model on the market now that i should pick up?
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Thanks, that link nearly answered all of my questions.

I think ill pick up a class 10 16 gig then for what i want to use with my pandora.
borgqueenx said:
DutchMojo said:
Yay! noob thread!
I've come out of the shadows of luking and stepped into the light!

I hope I can still get my order sorted before it the pandora ships ( :D )
are you dutch? the more dutch people come here, the less my pandora is gonna be unique :(
i you.

Bad news, you're Pandora will get even a little bit more less unique after I get the mail I can pay mine with.

Good news is I have absolutely no reason to ever go to Overijssel so as long as you stay there you should be good :D
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Well, I go to Amsterdam all the time so beware!
All funny stuff aside, anyone up for a Pandora launch party?
I'd buy anyone who would come to Nijmegen and show there Pandora a good pint of beer (I suggest triple Karmeliet)
DutchMojo said:
Well, I go to Amsterdam all the time so beware!
All funny stuff aside, anyone up for a Pandora launch party?
I'd buy anyone who would come to Nijmegen and show there Pandora a good pint of beer (I suggest triple Karmeliet)
Good choice, great Belgian beer. May I suggest you an Orval, it's also great :D (or a Rochefort triple)
I would like to come, but Ik spreck geen nederlands and I'll probably in the middle of a project for school so I won't ;)
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KodeIn said:
DutchMojo said:
Well, I go to Amsterdam all the time so beware!
All funny stuff aside, anyone up for a Pandora launch party?
I'd buy anyone who would come to Nijmegen and show there Pandora a good pint of beer (I suggest triple Karmeliet)
Good choice, great Belgian beer. May I suggest you an Orval, it's also great :D (or a Rochefort triple)
I would like to come, but Ik spreck geen nederlands and I'll probably in the middle of a project for school so I won't ;)

After about 10 of those triples I don't speak any language pretty well anymore so you'd fit right in ;-)
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Since this is my noob thread, i think it will just be easier to ask all of my noob questions here, rather then starting several pointless threads. :P

This may be outta the realm of getting a real answer since no one really has a pandora yet but ill ask anyways.
I was wondering if there is a cuttoff point for where pandora can no longer run a game in dos box or a rough ratio between the pandoras processor speed versus the requirements of a game. (hard qwery to pose..)

For example i saw the video of Star Wars Dark Forces running at decent speed on the pandora.
Can i use these requirements as a rough template for what i know will run in dos box versus what wont?
Will01 said:
Since this is my noob thread, i think it will just be easier to ask all of my noob questions here, rather then starting several pointless threads. :P

This may be outta the realm of getting a real answer since no one really has a pandora yet but ill ask anyways.
I was wondering if there is a cuttoff point for where pandora can no longer run a game in dos box or a rough ratio between the pandoras processor speed versus the requirements of a game. (hard qwery to pose..)

For example i saw the video of Star Wars Dark Forces running at decent speed on the pandora.
Can i use these requirements as a rough template for what i know will run in dos box versus what wont?
Approximately a 386@33. It is by no means a solid rule: some games which claimed to need a 386@33 had trouble, some things with requirements in the 486@66 range have worked. If I recall correctly, 5000 cycles is what we can expect. If you want to see if a game can run, install the PC version of DosBox, set it to 5000 cycles (ctrl-F11 and Ctrl-F12 will move it up and down), and execute whatever it is you want to test.
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DutchMojo said:
All funny stuff aside, anyone up for a Pandora launch party?
I'd buy anyone who would come to Nijmegen and show there Pandora a good pint of beer (I suggest triple Karmeliet)
I don't live too far from Nijmegen. Just give me a date and an address and I'll be there if possible :) Hopefully with my pandora ;)
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hmmz, the last time i asked I was around 3600-3800 and i ordered almost a year ago.. I wonder how thats possible.. :huh:
atiti said:
hmmz, the last time i asked I was around 3600-3800 and i ordered almost a year ago.. I wonder how thats possible.. :huh:
A lot of people canceled or failed to pay, so their spots were lost, thus bumping you up. Then more people order and they go back to the end.
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