New here, quick question

Jan 12, 2011
Firstly i would like to say hello & wish everyone here a happy new year..

Recently stumbled across this unique device, seems very interesting and dare i say it (useful) after a quick scan of the forums it seems as though most of the production issues have been resolved.

If i was to order now would i be included in batch 2, or have i missed that & after reading a few threads there seems to be confusion regarding queue positions, where people are and when they are likely to receive their order, can anyone clarify this (apologies if i have missed some important info as i've only done a quick scan) as not knowing (even vaguely) when i am likely to receive my order, puts me off ordering.

Thanks for any help.

Apologies missed the new users thread, please feel free to vapourise/move as necessary.
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Hello, welcome to the Pandora boards. Happy new year to you as well.

Yes, an order placed now would place you in the second batch. The intention is to have production of the second batch directly continue after production of the first.

I've been waiting for so damn long now (almost 2.5 years) that I seem to be only capable of making extremely pessimistic predictions. Don't be too put off by it, as it's not accurate and I am not a representative of OpenPandora Ltd.

Personally, I expect the second batch to finish about half a year from now, but please base your opinion on comments from someone who is more informed (EvilDragon, MWeston, Craigix and Fatih in particular).
You would be in batch 2, and assuming that now that everything is once again sorted out everything goes as planned (knock on wood) they should be able to keep up the 500 per week, and batch 2 should be closing up sometime around April. Expect delays though.
Hello, welcome to the Pandora boards. Happy new year to you as well.

Yes, an order placed now would place you in the second batch. The intention is to have production of the second batch directly continue after production of the first.

I've been waiting for so damn long now (almost 2.5 years) that I seem to be only capable of making extremely pessimistic predictions. Don't be too put off by it, as it's not accurate and I am not a representative of OpenPandora Ltd.

Personally, I expect the second batch to finish about half a year from now, but please base your opinion on comments from someone who is more informed (EvilDragon, MWeston, Craigix and Fatih in particular).

You would be in batch 2, and assuming that now that everything is once again sorted out everything goes as planned (knock on wood) they should be able to keep up the 500 per week, and batch 2 should be closing up sometime around April. Expect delays though.

WOW.. I must say, i am full of admiration for the astonishing amount of patience people must have who have paid 2+ years ago and may still have to wait until April - i am certain i would have lost the plot long ago, i do hope the people responsible for the Pandora realise how lucky they are to have a community as magnanimous as this.
WOW.. I must say, i am full of admiration for the astonishing amount of patience people must have who have paid 2+ years ago and may still have to wait until April - i am certain i would have lost the plot long ago, i do hope the people responsible for the Pandora realise how lucky they are to have a community as magnanimous as this.
Given the amount of headaches I've given the team at times, I'm not sure patience is the best word. I've had my share of anger and frustration around here.

It has been a shifting deadline, always just two more months. If it weren't for EvilDragon, I would have jumped ship long ago (in fact, I almost did last December). But basically, I've been telling myself that as soon as a decent competitor is readily available I would cancel. There still isn't one.

I'm a bit sad that the processor has by now been superseded by newer ones, but I expect that even if I had received my unit two years ago then I would still be using it today.
Je ne comprends pas... ?
He means that we aren't sticking around because of some loyalty to OPT, we're sticking around because the Pandora is the only machine available that combines all the features that we're looking for. :P

Unless you have something else to offer that would serve as a suitable replacement (I guarantee you don't, we've all looked :P ) we're stuck waiting for the Pandora. Not that I mind, it's been a heck of a ride so far. :D

I can say that because I already have one. :P
He means that we aren't sticking around because of some loyalty to OPT, we're sticking around because the Pandora is the only machine available that combines all the features that we're looking for. :P
For me it's a bit of both. I really like the spirit of OpenPandora and its members, I like the concept of the Pandora and the continuous struggle against big companies to make it happen. I want to support OP even if I have to wait years more.

But since I bought a refurbished unit on eBay yesterday, this is a moot point for me anyway :)
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