New Led Light In Render On

Prophet said:
I have a TomTom 320 (and I quite like it) - I wonder if Pandora with BT GPS and something like Navit would be able to replace it? I like the idea of one device wearing many hats.
I doubt it will be able to fully replace a TomTom system Prophet.

From what I hear about the N810 being used as an in car navigation system it doesn't work half as good as a dedicated one, the screen reflects too much light making it hard to see whilst driving and the software's simply just not as good. It would be fine for occasional use though I suppose?.

You could try modding on a screen filter to reflect some of the light? if you use red plastic sheet for one side and blue plastic for the other, maybe you'll get a cool 3D effect ;)
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prairiefire said:
PSyMastR said:
DJWillis said:
I understand it is a lot more painful to use in the US at the moment.
Painful doesn't even begin to describe the BS that our cellular companies are pulling :P
For instance, my phone fully supports 3g, but T-mo blocked my phone from using it via their own firmware. I had to break out and use a chinese firmware just to get the hardware access. And even then it can only connect to 2.5/Edge or w/e its called :P

Anyway, bluetooth is an awesome addition to the Pandora :D Is there a standard interface that has a ton of addons/harware that this thing doesn't support? :P

no one knows pain unless they've had a cell phone from Canada. These guys here have a license to print money. I used my phone as a modem for all of 20 seconds and racked up a bill for a few bucks... imagine what the damage would be for me to use this with the pandora!

Hehehe I remember the Canadian guy who racked up an $85000 phone bill because of the mobile internet access :D hehehe
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
I doubt it will be able to fully replace a TomTom system Prophet.

From what I hear about the N810 being used as an in car navigation system it doesn't work half as good as a dedicated one, the screen reflects too much light making it hard to see whilst driving and the software's simply just not as good. It would be fine for occasional use though I suppose?.
Haha, I wish the software was "simply just not as good." You're entirely underemphasizing how absolutely horrid it is. Supposedly with the n810, acquisition time is improved using an aGPS type thing in diablo (meaning if you have an internet connection at the time.) However, the Wayfinder software is entirely unusable. I wouldn't even consider it fine for occasional use.
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