New Hanhelds On The E3


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2003
Just saw the first pics of the Nintendo DS and its games.. Looked really cool. I think i will buy one, it also supports GB and GBA games so there wont be problems with games.
Also saw some pics of the PSP, sure it looks better than the nintendo DS (which is arround something like PSX and N64) the psp looks more like ps2 ;) but i dont know if its worth it, sure it will be a very expensive handheld.
Which one will have a better homebrew scene?
Hard to say. I have to agree with V3X even that PSP let you upload stuff into memory stick. There could be a restriction made so you won't be allowed for example to run those uploaded files directly. I don't know. But i know that there was always problem with emulators for PSX and PSX 2. But fortunately there are a few of them so still there is the hope.
I'm a big nintendo fan but I've got to be honest, those PSP vids on ign look fking fantastic. We'll have to wait and see what battery life thay get out of it though.

If it can be cracked, I think the PSP has the most homebrew potential. single high res (big) screen, high processing power, 32 MB, Sony media sticks (or whatever) etc etc.

Nintendo DS looks more fun though.
hmm ok,
btw are there any movies of the DS in action?
Read in a Press Message that several games were showed...
i really want to see Mario 64x4 in action ;)

btw, what about emulating both machines on the gp32 :D *just a joke*
Do they have any images of the handhelds themselves?

edit: Oh i'm retarded... Ignore me. :lol:
And the PSP so far, is impresing me WAAAAAY more, sleek sexy design, awesome graphics, good looking controls, etc...

DS just seems same old same old... I've never realized this, but you can only play zelda, mario, and the other gang's games so many times repackage befored you grow sick of them... =/ I feel old now. and i'm just 16.

Plus the design looks fat and kiddish, again.
The ONLY thing about the DS I'm interested in is Animal Crossing. I'd seriously buy the system just for that ... yes, I'm a geek. :D
With the psp how could you play homebrew things?
I know how in the ds but the psp has no chance! :D
but why are they still going to use cartridges for the ds??
Isn't it time that little old nintendo move on to at least cd's if not dvd's?
And yes I know the gamecube uses mini dvds.
sam fisher posted on May 12 2004 at 01:16 PM said:
With the psp how could you play homebrew things?
I know how in the ds but the psp has no chance! :D
but why are they still going to use cartridges for the ds??
Isn't it time that little old nintendo move on to at least cd's if not dvd's?

Why? DVDs take an eternity to load. For gaming on the go, I think that could be PSP's main issue
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RoboJoe32 posted on May 12 2004 at 10:45 AM said:
And the PSP so far, is impresing me WAAAAAY more, sleek sexy design, awesome graphics, good looking controls, etc...

DS just seems same old same old... I've never realized this, but you can only play zelda, mario, and the other gang's games so many times repackage befored you grow sick of them... =/ I feel old now. and i'm just 16.

Plus the design looks fat and kiddish, again.

Your ignorant.

Nintendo are trying new things have you seen the brief for either of the new Pac Man games?

What about the new Metroid?

To me Sony are doing the same thing over by just releasing PS2 games on a new platform. Show me something new on that PSP thats not been done on any other console before?

Also the $250-$300 price tag will no doubt mean £250-£300 and its not worth that sort of money when i have a PS2 that does everything the PSP will.
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sorry rico

btw, i dont think that CDs or anything like this is good for a handheld, i just is too load and drains much power i think, things like smart media carts or the gamecardridges by nintendo, dont make any noise (and are alot faster, the nintendo things)
Yeah, but is your PS2 portable The mole? Thought not.

Plus, PSP showed armored core and dynasty warriors in the trailer, more than enough to sell me on it,

Plus, about the two pacman games.... One where you draw and another that's a marble madness clone, The drawing one sounds interesting, but too wild for the average person to grasp. (Little timmy gets a DS, mommy buys the new pacman game, Timmy can't figure out WTF is going on. Crying and a return ensues.)

And the new metroid is a grainier metroid prime :P

And it's "You're"

I may get a DS after the price drops or if it launchs with the NEW side scrolling mario game, but if not. I can wait.
didnt they show and say that they release a new mario which is sidescrolling (with 3D characters)... hope the use both screens for such a game. no just show a gamestatus there
RoboJoe32 posted on May 12 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
Yeah, but is your PS2 portable The mole? Thought not.

Plus, PSP showed armored core and dynasty warriors in the trailer, more than enough to sell me on it,

Plus, about the two pacman games.... One where you draw and another that's a marble madness clone, The drawing one sounds interesting, but too wild for the average person to grasp. (Little timmy gets a DS, mommy buys the new pacman game, Timmy can't figure out WTF is going on. Crying and a return ensues.)

And the new metroid is a grainier metroid prime :P

And it's "You're"

I may get a DS after the price drops or if it launchs with the NEW side scrolling mario game, but if not. I can wait.
You missed the point i was trying to make.

The PSP is just a PS2 yes its portable but its nothing new, if i want to play PSP games i can on my PS2 right now.

You can't see that it is a ploy from Sony to sell PS2 platinum and cheap games at a full £40 again, the ports will be flying in.

Oh and dynasty warriors was anounced for the DS also and its Dynasty Warriors being is you are being picky.
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