New Games Launching

What's with all the cryptic posts? Are these seeing an international release, or will foreigners at least be able to buy them?
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'PoisonedV' said:
What's with all the cryptic posts? Are these seeing an international release, or will foreigners at least be able to buy them?
all the language for the games will be international
so all the user and players will be able to play any games.
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The government has given out funds so GPH could produce
high quality of games. So by the begining of August new games will be produced.
Most of the games will be supported with most of the languages.
So the games will be for international people.
Also had the posters for a while HERE.

About information about the games.... there is none at the moment...
Though GPH called in person to appolgize because of the delay.


When I get some more info from GPH itself I will post it.

ps. the links still don't work so here a little copy paste link:
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'GP2X-INT' said:
The government has given out funds so GPH could produce
high quality of games. So by the begining of August new games will be produced.
Most of the games will be supported with most of the languages.
So the games will be for international people.
Awesome, some of these games look pretty cool and it'll be nice being able to play them in English.

Do you know if they plan on letting you buy and download the game from the internet? Also, how expensive will the games be?
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Are they really going to try to charge $30 for commercial games on the Wiz (like most of the launch titles seem to be set at)? No offense to the games or the authors but I really don't think that they'll sell well at that price.
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If they've been given a whole stack o' cash™ why don't they consider licensing some awesome old school titles that people would love to see made portable? You know, stuff that is currently closed source. Like Carmageddon or something like that...
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will the games be 3d saying that the wiz is technically more powerfull then a psp i dont see why not
Frogboy posted on Apr 23 2009 at 01:09 AM) Are they really going to try to charge $30 for commercial games on the Wiz (like most of the launch titles seem to be set at said:
? No offense to the games or the authors but I really don't think that they'll sell well at that price.

Especially when they're asking $30 for very old GP32 games like "Her Knights." I love that game, and I paid full price for it back in the day. But expecting people to pay $30+ for it again in 2009/2010 is just crazy. I don't even think they enhanced it much for the Wiz, if at all. Seems (from video and photos) to just be a straight quickie port.
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I looked at video's from gp32 and the wiz version no difference that i can tell unless there extra levels and such they just happened to not tell us about but i highly doubt it