New Frodo v6-c64 Emu Out !!

Beta 6 is looking *fantastic* :D. C=64 at full frame rate, with sound - bloody lovely! :D

"Ancipital" has a slight problem with it though. It looks like it's somehow replicating "invisible" wall characters at the right-hand side of the screen - you can see them as black bits overlaying one of the creatures on the title screen - and if you walk into them during play you die!

Tried it with AMC and Iridis Alpha and they are both fine :).

Truly excellent stuff! :D

(:-) - Yak
Where is the said frodopc.fxe file? It says it's included, but it's not in the zip...

Also the title seems to have disappeared when you try to load it in freelauncher. It just has the filename now.

Sound is MUCH better, as said, but the pitch is too low now in games with sampled music (mostly European games)...but only a little! It also crackles a bit.

Speed IS much better, though. Games which suffered before run fine, which allows me to find new bugs! Try Hollywood or Bust in breaks as soon as you enter one of the street scenarios, the keystone kops just And it's not a very ragtime dance. P.O.D. has LOTS of sound crackle, at least it did for me. It also seems to have something which looks like a joystick calibration bug (ship goes left constantly).

But this is still MUCH better, and it was already very good. Still room for improvement, which is good (ie updates won't become sparse, hopefully!)

Here's a suggestion for everyone else: Perhaps we should start up a compatibility list?

But it's nice to play Boulderdash on a decent emulator is surprisingly bad at anything less than full speed :/

But full marks again on an update worthy of the time we had to wait to get it!
:huh: Would a compatibility list be worth time as the emu get's updated pretty quickly thankfully. :blink:
Well, for a good start i recomend Bee52 by mighty masters from CodeMasters :) (their games are wonderfull). Game emulation is near perfect in every meaning.
GurtyGurt posted on Mar 15 2003 said:
Where is the said frodopc.fxe file? It says it's included, but it's not in the zip...
ah oops, grab the zip again, it's in now
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Cool :)

A few other things I noticed:

Ghostbusters seems to be a good demonstration of the incorrect pitch. Music plays correctly, the speech is way off. (note it's not just the 4th channel)

Some games have the same problem as anticipal with other sprite objects; I played one of the old Games Creator type Mastertronic games (this one was Mind Control) and it had black vertical stripes all over the place. The game was also unplayable past a certain point.

Parky and the Submarine results in instant death (unplayable). It then refuses to go to the title scren and shows the black bar sprites again, as well as a few other sprite priority glitches.

The 4 way split screen glitch is still there. This time it happened on Ghosts 'n' Goblins (try playing THAT with a screen completely off-centre and all trippy looking! Argh! Platform hell!)

One trend i've noticed is it's mostly pre-1985 games that exhibit these glitches, and that they all worked before...
What are good C64 games? ie: What we remember as good may not be so good now ;) (Being an emu coder and emu player and arcade machine collector, I've learnt my tastes as a kid sucked terribly ;) What are the very best of C64 games, to make Frodo worth installing?

Geeez, that emulator is SOOOO fantastic, thanks snaff!!!
With FrodoPC.fxe (it was included in my zip archive?!) most games work :)
And FrodoPC is still faster than the old Frodo beta 5 :)

Now I can enjoy Impossible Mission, Bruce Lee and much more once again :)

What are good C64 games, you ask?
Well, I like MULE, Alter Ego, Bruce Lee, Impossible Mission, Law of the West, Racing Destruction Set, Pirates!, To be on Top, Frankie goes to Hollywood, Hero, Paperboy, etc.
:huh: Depends on what sort of games you like ? anyway here's my top ten...

1.Paradroid (Shoot em up stratagy, so additive should have a health warning)

2.The Eidolon (3D shooter Pushing 64 Hardware to the max)

3.Bounder (Additive Arcade type Bouncy game Gets well hard at level 7)

4.Pastfinder (Not The Best Graphics in the world but gameplay to die 4)

5.Delta (Good shoot em up from a german programmer that got drafted into the german army shortly after it's release , DOH)

6.Zybex (Side Arms Rip off and done better, and i think it was only £2.99 When it was released)

7.Iridis Alpha (sorta cross with drop zone and defender and er other stuff verry fast shooting action, the only lamasoft title i like, sorry Yak (-: )

8.Gribblys Day Out (Another Andrew Braybrook game (paradriod) Big Green thing with a huge foot saving little green things, good stuff)

9.Armalyte (Delta 2) (nemisis/slamander type shooter, Good though)

10.Mercenary (Vector graphics adventure shooter with 3 ways to escape the plantet nothing els could touch it in it's hayday) :D

And thats it, duno if thay all Work ok on GP :huh: as i've only tried a few at the moment.

Whats your top tens ? :blink:
In No Particular Order(all of the atari 800 versions are better in my opinion)

1. Alternate Reality Series - (does work on frodo - not as good as the atari 800 versions but is the best rpg of all-time!!)

2. Mule - Trading game which is just amazing unique!

3. The Edilion - A great 3d dragon adventure game

4. Koronos Rift - Fantastic simulation\exploration Lucasarts game.

5. IK+ - The best fighting game on the c64!

6. Bloodwych - A immense rpg - 2 player at same time possible - includes character interaction - the ability to talk to everyone = one of the best rpgs ever!!!

7. Ghostbusters - Original gameplay - with elements of strategy in there!

8. Spy vs Spy Series - oh the spy em up!

9. Caverns of Khafka(Cannot find this one) - superb platform

10. Hard Hat Willy(Not Hard Hat Mack) - is this even available!!! - its a damn fine adventure\action game

There are loads of amazing games - but these came to my head immediately
hi there, first time caller, long time listener (sorry, that was shit! ;))

First of all, I LOVE what snaff has done with frodo, but I've had some weird stuff happen with this new beta. in the freelauncher page, the two files are listed as frodo.gxb and frodoPC.gxb. When I select either of them, instead of taking me to the c64 startup screen, I get the version info at the top of the page and nothing else. in addition, when I restart the machine, I'm told that the machine cannot find the smartcard, and/or that there isn't a game available. This worried me for a bit, but then I deleted the c64 folder that had been created in the GPMM folder and everything was hunky dory.

Do i have to use PC link to add the new versions? Unfortunately, I use a mac and the easiest way to get new files on the card is to drag them from my desktop to the card whilst it's in my camera (i'm a cheap bastard and can't be bothered getting a SCR, and it hasn't not worked do far!), and only use PClink on my mates PC if I really need to.

if it helps, they're given the extension fxe in the zip, so I have no idea where this new name ext comes from.

Cheers for any advice!
Favorite C64 Games....

Lords of Midnight (was and still is one of the best games ever !) and now completley playable now that Snaff has added the Restore key function !

Laser Squad !!!!!! another fantastic game.

Bruce Lee, Quo Vadis, Summer Games I, Who Dares Wins II.

hi there, first time caller, long time listener (sorry, that was shit! ;))

First of all, I LOVE what snaff has done with frodo, but I've had some weird stuff happen with this new beta. in the freelauncher page, the two files are listed as frodo.gxb and frodoPC.gxb. When I select either of them, instead of taking me to the c64 startup screen, I get the version info at the top of the page and nothing else. in addition, when I restart the machine, I'm told that the machine cannot find the smartcard, and/or that there isn't a game available. This worried me for a bit, but then I deleted the c64 folder that had been created in the GPMM folder and everything was hunky dory.

Do i have to use PC link to add the new versions? Unfortunately, I use a mac and the easiest way to get new files on the card is to drag them from my desktop to the card whilst it's in my camera (i'm a cheap bastard and can't be bothered getting a SCR, and it hasn't not worked do far!), and only use PClink on my mates PC if I really need to.

if it helps, they're given the extension fxe in the zip, so I have no idea where this new name ext comes from.

Cheers for any advice!
Hey qwerty, haven't noticed any problems with Frodo Beta6 that are as major as the ones you're experiencing. . . . Maybe worth doing a bit of spring cleaning of the SMC, or maybe a format and reinstall?

The only thing weird about the new versions are that they both seem to clock the processor to a higher speed, leading to some odd flickering problems. Has anybody else noticed this? No-one has mentiones it, so I hope and pray my GP32 isn't buggered in some oddly-and-annoyingly-specific way.

Eh, though! Voidrunner on the move! With proper sound. . .. Ahhhhh. The more things change, the more they stay the same (but more portable).

- Doc
I'm sticking to beta 5 for now.

I have masses of C=64 images that I use with my GP32 and a greater average work better with this beta release than the later, beta 6. There appears to be a problem under beta 6 with the four-way screen split. :( Sound is still a big improvement under the beta 5 release compared to earlier releases, however, not as good as in the latest release. Also speed is an issue with beta 5 in relation to beta 6, although with the Frameskip option set to 2 or 3 it isn't a big issue.

Great emu and an excellent way to show off your GP32! :D
Doc posted on Mar 17 2003 said:
The only thing weird about the new versions are that they both seem to clock the processor to a higher speed, leading to some odd flickering problems. Has anybody else noticed this? No-one has mentiones it, so I hope and pray my GP32 isn't buggered in some oddly-and-annoyingly-specific way.
The processor is running at 133 in beta 6. The video effects (flickering) and the screen bug that causes the corner of the screen to move to the middle are the result of trade-offs made between speed and stability which I'm still tuning in order to get the best of both worlds. This is all to do with how the lcd is used rather than anything to do with clocking.
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Attack of the Mutant Camels
Laser Zone
Revenge of the Mutant Camels
Hover Bovver
Sheep In Space
Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time
Iridis Alpha
Void Runner
Return of the Mutant Camels
Mama Llama




(:-) - Yak
Am being completely naive--

Yak - is Jeff Minter??

anyway -are any of these games rpgs\strategy games for c64? what would you recommend?