How do the save states work for this emulator, there seems to be only one slot and it never "loads" after it saves. Also, is the other C64 emulator, Plus Iv, have better compatability than frodo? Thanks.
I haven't messed around with the save states, I'll play with it tonight and see what I can come up with.
The Commodore Plus 4 was actually a different computer. It came out after the Commodore 64 and came with four (go figure) built in business applications. Unfortunately, it lacked a few of the things the C64 had (like sprites and a SID chip) making most of the C64 programs incompatible.
Yeah, this emu re-introduced me to c64, i didn't know that I actually played all these games when was younger on a c64 itself. Star Control is soo good, I just hope I can figure this save state shit out.