New Compo!


Mega GP Mania
May 17, 2009
North Brunswick, New Jersey
From ED over on the OP boards:
It's finally time for another compo, held by my shop, the DragonBox.
I will post more information and rules as soon as I find some time to write them down, but here are some quick informations upfront:
  • The compo will end at the end of January. This will give the full christmas holidays time for coding 
  • There will be various categories with prizes (ports, original games, emulators, etc.). So no port has to compete with an emulator or original game.
  • The system can be ANYTHING open... (Dingoo, Caanoo, Pandora, etc.). However, the sourcecode has to be released at the end - after all, we're promoting OpenHandhelds here. You can still define your own license.
  • Your entry doesn't have to be something new. It can also be an updated version of something already released. You can also release beta versions for public testing.
  • Among the prizes will be vouchers for my shop, a Pandora, etc. I'll let you know. If anyone else also want to contribute something, that's possible as well (of course)
Well, that's just a quick info upfront. More soon, but you can already start coding if you like.
Hopefully this will help breath some life into the GPH scene!
Some more info from ED on the OP forums.
Welcome to the DragonBox Coding competition - a competition aimed at OpenSource handhelds Pandora, GCW Zero, GPH Caanoo or GPH WIZ - but other systems can profit from it as well.

The competition will end on February 15th, 11:59pm, UST, so use the upcoming holidays to code, code and code :D/>
You can either upload your entry whereever you like and send us a link afterwards or use our own FTP Server.
We will give you details about the eMail and FTP Server end of January in this thread.

The entries should be included in a way that makes it as easily as possible for the user to play it (i.e., for the Pandora, create a PND, for the Caanoo, include the INI-Files, etc.)
We like to encourage OpenSource entries - but you can also participate if you don't want to release your sourcecode.
OpenSource entries will simply get a little bonus when they win :)/>

There are various categories each with its own prizes - you can enter as many entries you like in any of the categories.

The categories are:

* Application *
This can be any application you think might be useful.
A browser, Mediaplayer, PDA, Calculator, etc.
It can be port or something completely new.
It can also be a something like a port of a full OS distribution, ready to be installed on one or more of the above mentioned handhelds.

* Emulator *
This can be an improved version of an already existing emulator, a totally new emulator or a port of an existing emulator that didn't exist on any of the above mentioned handhelds yet.

* Original Game *
A game written by yourself (or a small team), either new or an improved version or port of a game you have written already.

* Ported Game *
A port of an already existing game that is either vastly improved from a previous port or didn't exist yet on any of the above mentioned handhelds.

Rules and guidelines:

1. It's totally fine if your entry has already been released for the system before December 1st, 2012, as long as your competition entry will be an improved version.
2. You can do public beta tests, if you like and get feedback to improve your entry until the deadline.
3. There's no need to include an annoying splash screen, but the competition logo has to be somewhere in the entry (corner of the title screen, credits screen, etc.) The competition logo will be made available later in this thread.
4. You have to include at least one compiled version that runs on one of the above mentioned handhelds. To make the game available to as many users as possible, it would be great if you could either release versions for as many systems as possible or release the sourcecode. In case you include your sourcecode and win a prize, you'll get a few bucks extra.
5. Judging will be done by selected members of the community and by the community itself (a poll here on the boards). The results of the selected jury and the community will be weighted 50/50 for the final result.

Here are the prizes:

1. A 200 EUR voucher for (250 EUR if the source is released)
2. A 100 EUR voucher for (150 EUR if the source is released)
3. A 64GB SDHC Card for (+ 50 EUR voucher if the source is released)

Each category has these prizes (so that's 4x a 200 EUR voucher, 4x a 100 EUR voucher and 4x an SDHC Card).

Additionally, there will be community prize pots:
Community members can throw in money into the different categories as well.
The amount of money in these prize pots will be evenly shared.

Happy coding!

The Community Prize Pots

If you want to donate some money into a prize pot, please use PayPal to do so.

Send your amount to:
IMPORTANT: When sending the money, include the category/categories in the comments field!

For example, you could donate 10 EUR into the pot with the following comment: "7 EUR for Original Game, 3 EUR for Ported Game"

I'll update the current prize pot amount weekly here in this thread.         
Creating shadow topic in the Pandora and Android sections.  I'd also add to the Zero section but the Zero isn't out yet so it's kind of moot :P