Netrok 0.1


Still Fresh
Jan 10, 2006
Ok, here comes the second port from my collection. This time the is Netrok, a platform game similar to Super Mario.

(From the homepage of the game)
It`s a platform game like Super Mario, but it is not a clone. It has a new, fast and unique gameplay with some puzzle passages, where you have to think, how to proceed. In Netrok you jump on small buttons on the ground and upgrade your player and depending of this upgrade you have to destroy the enemies different, and you have to react fast. Also Netrok has a very complex score system and you get score for everything well done and you loose score for actions, which makes gameplay easier. E.g. you can throw a level jump`in flag and if you die, you can replay level from the position of this flag, but it costs 1000 score to place the flag, and you have only once the possibility to throw it and you have to deliberate about where to place it, if you place it to early, you have to replay much more than if you place it later in the level, which is also risky, because you could die before.

You can download it at

You can find more info at my GP2X games page

ooh, it appears all the game graphics are stored as separate bmps. that makes skinning a breeze. i may have to do a "super netrok" mod...
ok, i have some gripes. and i know that you said you wanted to port as many games as possible without necessarily catching every little detail madelman, but maybe somebody might be interested in addressing these:

- i think that the graphics are 320x200...but the display is being scaled to full screen, which is doubling a lot of the pixels vertically and creating a rather nasty effect for the backgrounds and status bars, even the intro screen.

- the sounds are delayed...i am currently playing around with lower sampling rates to see if that helps.

but overall the game looks pretty fun. i like the focus on timing puzzles rather than just bopping guys on the head.
nickspoon posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:04 PM said:
If sounds are delayed, try decreasing the chunk size in Mix_OpenAudio (assuming it uses SDL_mixer).

Yup, I came here to suggest that. It should easily fix the sound problems (which are VERY obvious). It's almost definitely a chunk size issue.
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