Nes Emulation


Mar 14, 2007
Hey guys, my lastest problem is nes emulation on my gp2x. Installed the latest version of gpfce, created the rom directory as stated, inserted roms (tried both winrared and .nes files) no cigar. program loads, but no roms are shown to be selected.

Config file says:

#Selector configuration file
#Version 1.0

#selector-language english (and it doesn't work, crap)

#List of full paths of command line options



#Full absolute path to base directory for file explorer

#File filters

tried changing zip to nes, .nes, nes file etc..still won't work

Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated.
Most obvious thing first - is your roms folder on the root of the sd card. The path to the roms is /roms/nes and if this isn't correct the emulator won't find them.
Hi, yes on the very first screen when i open the card, the root, i made a roms folder and then nes: still won't work
martymcfly posted on Mar 28 2007 at 03:42 AM said:
#File filters
here you have told selector to only look for zipfiles. replace "zip" with "nes" and it will work fine
you can also specify multiple formats, by adding an additional line below, like this:
#File filters
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I'm not 100% sure of this (I've used Gmenu2X for a while now), but perhaps the config file needs to be saved using Unix line endings (I do all my editing in Programmer's notepad, it has this option under TOOLS>LINE ENDINGS)

... the config file I have is indentical to yours.
i tried replacing it with nes instead of zip, didnt work and made the prgram refuse to even boot, changing it back to zip didnt work either, and had to delete and paste a fresh install.
Also, i have tried zipped roms, was the first thing i did try, and they still dont show up.
Have you tried launching games from gmenu itself and skipping selector? It's what I've always done.
Sorry i dont use gmenu, im quite happy with the default really and have never thought to switch. I may have to if it will fix this though.
I can't understand why it wont see any of the roms. Just loads, and nothing is shown, only thing i can do is press start to exit
File paths are sometimes case sensitive - is the folder holding your zipped roms actually called /mnt/sd/roms/nes? If it is something like /mnt/sd/roms/NES/ or /mnt/sd/Roms/Nes try changing the folder names to be all lower case.
I'll put my money on that he is editing it with bog standard notepad or something with is causing stray characters thus corrupting the config file to selector.

Go here

And use that to edit the config file and you will be fine.
No, my point is i don't want to edit the config. I already have zipped roms, why would i want to unzip them, and then change the config to accept nes. I just tried that with the relevant tools as suggested when i researched, just to see if it would fix the problem. it didnt.
and everything is lower case.

Edit: i will try downloadin nes roms, and zipping them myself. Maybe whoever zipped them didn't use the correct compression or sumthin? ah well worth a shot.

That sorted it, seems that even though they showed with a .zip file type, they were actually winrared. I ended up just downloading fresh roms and editing the config to nes instead, theyre so small zip isnt too important. Thanks for all the help guys.
I edited the config file using programmer's notepad as suggested above which made my .nes files work but then found that when I copied all 850 English speaking roms over it couldn't see them. It seems to have difficulty with the large number because when I re-organised them into alphabetical subfolders it couls see them all fine.