I Made A Littlejohn Nes Emu That Run At 144 Mhz (100% Full Speed)


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i made a 144 mhz version of ljnes emualtor, it really better than the original 0.4 version from yoyofr. i compared it with a REAL american nes console with mario bros 3. its 100% exactly the same speed like a real nes. i tried the nes megaman series and same result 100% speed. the original yoyofr version always run between 90 to 95% real nes speed, if you notice it ;) and need autoframeskip. mine work perfect at frameskip 0. only exception i found, castlevania 3 need frameskip auto.

USE THESE OPTIONS WITH IT: vsync off, frameskip 0, 240 lines off, Sound quality and filter Medium and Low. and try mario bros 3 and megaman series

NOTE: But if you enter the menu during playing and you come back to your game , the fps will go down a lot, i dont know why. But anyway just choose the menu option you prefer , after that, choose EXIT to rom selector and choose your game. this way the fps wont go down. EACH time you reload a rom the fps are back to full speed. so reload the rom if you need to go to main menu, its important.

http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/135895/Nintendo-144mhz-fxe.html ( i tried different version at 150mhz, 156, 160 ,166 mhz But all of them dont work well too fast or too slow and the sound has bug. really this 144mhz version is perfect. )

Have a great fun. ( i think yoyo must have done the 0.4 version of littlejohn at 144 mhz, its really faster, real nes speed, and a lot more fps, its look 60fps all the time. i tried mario bros 3, megaman 1 megaman 4 for my tests.

WE REALLY NEED TO ADD THE 144 mhz VERSION TO THE DOWNLOAD SECTION. thanks for uploader. i dont know how to upload. who can do it ?

180 and 200 mhz versions: if you really want to try these version with vsync ON go ahead, if you put vsync off, the game will be 400% speed.lol ( but it dont work well on gp32 blu+ with vsync ON, i dont know about the normal blu. BUT work perfect on flu and nlu): http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/135309/ljnes180-200mhz-rar.html

note: if you tried my emulators, i would be appreciate your feedback about my modded emulators. just post it in this thread thanks